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I swallowed, trying to get rid of my amazement as I looked at the mansion. 

It had the modern minimalist look. There was a balcony on top of the garage and unfortunately the house was dark. The sun hadn't come up yet, so I couldn't actually see the little trees on the balcony.

The stainless steel four car garage door opened to reveal an interior twice the size of Patrick's apartment in South Africa. Patrick parked inside on the right and the lights illuminated the whiteness of the walls. I climbed out of our rental car and followed Patrick to the door on the far left of the garage. He pulled it opened and we walked up the spiral stairs. When we came to the top, he pushed another door open and we were met with a sight that made us both gasp.

"Holy shit." He stated and I nodded in agreement.

The lounge had white walls, with a white L shaped couch on top of a grey and black rug. I pulled off my sandals and sunk my feet in the plush white carpet. The fireplace was magnificent with ornaments and feathers in small decorated flasks. I went to go feel the wall paper on the left and I gasped as it wasn't smooth as I originally thought. It was rough.

By the time I looked out the window, I couldn't believe my eyes. We had a pool, a balcony, and a lot of patio furniture. I turned around to point this out to Patrick but he wasn't there.

"Babe!" I heard his shout and followed it, but chose to go right instead of left.

I walked past a huge stairway and looked up as I realized that it went down one and two up.

I saw another open door and I glanced into the room and saw the rich and homely dining room. I stopped and gasped as I looked at the chandelier.

It was beautiful, the whole thing big lights that were in two parallel lines.

The table was glass, seating 10 people. The chairs were beige colour and so soft under my hands. The windows were covered by sheer curtains and this time when I opened them again, it looked out on a Jacuzzi area. Since we were sharing the house, there were separate entertainment areas.

I then left the room and went left, following the corridor. I wanted to go upstairs but if Patrick was calling me, I guess I should go see what he discovered.

And wow, was I glad that I did.

When I entered the room, Patrick was standing outside, looking at the furniture, another long table with white wicker chairs. But in front of me, was the most gorgeous kitchen I've ever seen. It had a long island in the middle, the whole place open plan. It was surrounded with 7 bar stools and the stove, opposite to the island was about half its size. At the end of the room, by the sliding doors, was a breakfast table. 

A double door stainless steel fridge stood against the wall on the right of the breakfast table. The cabinets were dark mahogany and were shiny under the warm glow of the lights. Outside you could see the grass, the patio areas and the floor of the kitchen was a white concrete, sanded and painted. It was shiny with the polish. 

I walked outside to Patrick and he turned to me, stunned by the beauty of the house.

"Wow. They did say we were going to eventually share the house with a few other players," he paused, still taking in the house, "but I didn't quite imagine the house was going to be so big."

I couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

"How many rooms are there?" I asked finished giggling ,as he mock glared at me.

He thought a bit.

"There is an indoor pool, a theatre, an office," he pulled me nearer, wrapping his arms around me, "5 en-suites and there's a bar by the theatre."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled at him.

"Well, I'm not complaining. I wonder if we'll have roommates soon." He shrugged and picked me up, cradling me.

"Patrick, what are you doing?" I laughed as my arms automatically wrapped around his neck.

"I'm taking you to our room." His face was full of mischief and I laughed freely.

"Okay," I bit my lip as he walked, "but I'm tired and well, don't you think we'll disturb Bella." I said.

He looked at me puzzled. He obviously thought I was crazy.

Guilty, but proudly crazy.

"Why? And who's Bella?" We were climbing the stairs now and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him as he carried me.

I'm not the lightest person in the world.

"Because I don't know. I don't want to break the peace of the house. Oh and Bella is my name for our house." I muttered.

It was partly true. I was tired and to be rather honest, I wasn't in the mood for sex. He looked at me and smiled softly.

"You can just tell me if you don't want to make love lief." He said and I kissed him, happy.

"Thank you," I yawned and he chuckled as he sat me down in our room, "holy mother of the world, I dips the right side!" I shouted as I ran to the bed and jumped on it.

He walked over and opened the closet doors behind the bed. Most of our clothes were there already and I saw all my shoes lined up neatly on shoe racks. The closet was a dark mahogany like the kitchen and was spacious, and big. I joined him, happy to see our things safely here. We had sent it through a week or two ago, and I was grateful it was all here. It already felt like home.

As I looked through my clothes; he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me and put his chin on my shoulder. I yawned again as I picked up shoes I didn't recognize.

"Whose are these?" I asked Patrick.

They were white, beautiful with little diamonds decorating it. They were expensive and beautiful. I saw Louboutin in the inside and gasped. I turned the shoes over and bit back a shriek of wonder. The soles were the fire engine red that Louboutin shoes were known for.

"They are your wedding shoes. My mother bought them for you while she was in New York." I turned around and covered my mouth in surprise.

"But they're Christian Louboutin." I whispered and he shrugged.

"I have no idea who that is but she said that this is our wedding present from her."

I couldn't accept this generous gift but it was his mother's present and they were so beautiful. I nodded and he collapsed on the bed. He yawned and I pulled on my pajamas.

"Let's sleep before you have to go practice."

I climbed in the duvet next to him and he climbed off and pulled on his training shorts and then climbed in with me. He brought me closer and I closed my eyes. 

I heard him set his alarm and with his steadying breathing next to me, I fell asleep.

For the Love of Football  [Fernando Torres]Where stories live. Discover now