March 26

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March 26

Dear Annabeth,

It was a slow day today, being the least packed day of Senior Week. We did job training, and then job meetings (where I was alone), and finished the day off with testing (language for me). It was a long day compared to the others since there was no riding or anything to do with my friends to break the day up. It was a reasonable time when the day ended though, and because of that the Black Tens decided a meeting must be held.

Amy, Bri, Izzy, Emma, Kay, and I all sat in the abandoned building that served as the Black Tens HQ for Cardea. Kay introduced the meeting as a talk on the codes Amy cracked. But this meeting was not a nice little planning meeting or gathering, this was a full on interrogation.

I was called in first and Kay explained a very watered down version of what Amy had told me and I played the part of “clueless” perfectly, pretending that she was feeding me all new information. I didn’t want her to know how much I truly held.

I walked out of Kay’s office, going to grab Amy to talk to Kay next. I waited around with the others as Amy walked down to the office, when I realized I had forgotten my tablet back with Kay. I excused myself, following Amy’s retreating figure towards Kay’s office.

The door was shut, and I was about to push it open, say that I was there, but something stopped me.

I could hear Kay behind the door, saying, “Thank you”.

There was silence for a moment before Amy replied, “did you know?”

“Oh Amy,” Kay said, trying to hard to keep her voice light, “you do like to get right to the point, don’t you.”

“Did you know?” Amy repeated, very obviously trying to sound as calm as possible.

“I like you Amy I really do, but you have to trust me,” was Kay’s only response.

“I only want a yes or no,” is all Amy had in reply.

“Well, then,” Kay started, “I won’t lie to you Amy, we had our suspicions. But, how could I have told any of you? What if it wasn’t true, what kind of people would we be if we just went around spreading every little rumor about our Government?”

 “What kind of people would you be not to tell us everything you know?” Amy spat back.

Kay laughed, “oh that is just rich. You want to share everything with each other. Let’s have you start. Why don’t you tell us how you know Isabella?”

“That’s different.”

“No it’s not Amy. Because I think that you were sitting around in the Facilities while everyone was getting their Careers and a plain girl with plain features that were somehow so hard to forget came and sat down next to you. And you just started spilling your guts to that stranger didn’t you? Told her you hated the Government and the Facilities and you lost it right in public.”

“Stop.” Amy’s voice is steady. A thousand emotions exploded through my veins, incomprehensible thoughts swimming across my brain.

“I don’t think I will Amy,” Kay spat back, her anger seeping through her words.

 “You’re a danger to us Amy,” Kay continued, “why do you think it is that Emily and Izzy and Lilly have futures and you don’t? You saw the cuff Emily and Lilly used to wear, and you saw Izzy in the Facilities. You know that they should be where you are and yet they aren’t. I know that you tell yourself that you have a very important job by sitting around with your memories but we don’t need you Amy. We didn’t save you because we don’t want you to help us and the only reason that we keep you around is because you know too much. You’re a liability and you don’t know how to keep your mouth shut. The others all have the spark that we are looking for but you have a flame and we can’t just let you run around setting everything on fire. That give us two options now. The first is we use the flame to get rid of what we want and then put it somewhere it won’t hurt anyone. The second is we snuff it out. Be glad we chose the first option.”

I can hear Amy get up from her chair, yelling, “for the record you were never using me to get rid of what you wanted to. I cracked those codes for my friends and myself and our world not for you and your little organization. I am helping you because you are my best shot at a future but that does not mean I support you. You are just as bad as they are. I might be an ally now but your day will come too and I will not be there to help you get out of the hole you’ve dug yourself.”

“And that I why you’re a liability,” Kay responded

“Oh and Amy,” Kay continued, “don’t think you are unstoppable. The last of your friend’s to doubt me was Emily and look at where she is now.”

“You didn’t,” Amy whispered in disbelief.

“But I did,” Kay responded, “when you play with fire you get burned. Emily didn’t fully believe in our cause, I had to show her that the Government was truly in the wrong. But that is only the beginning. I can destroy you if I so please, so don’t give me a reason to.”

“You’re going to wish you stuffed me out,” Amy hissed, and I hear footsteps coming towards the door.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I ran, just far enough that it would look like I didn’t hear, and when Amy threw open the door I put on my best surprised face and stupidly said, “I forgot my tablet.”

I went home after that, a million thoughts swimming through my head, unable to quite piece everything together.

Love Always,


Sincerely, AnonymousWhere stories live. Discover now