Chapter 1: {I am your daughter not your dog}

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 Hey everyone so here is my first chapter of this story. This story might be ten chapters long and it will end but yet i am unsure since it is my first written story. If you have any question please dont be afraid to ask and if you think my story is awful please let me know so i can make room for all the great writers in here. The picture on the side is Kyra parents, oh and most of my characters are portrayed by Hispanic celebritys. That is why i will try to have a pic of every single character.


{Chapter 1: I am your daughter not your dog}

It was a rainy day in southern California I didn’t feel like going out with my friends as fun as they are; they are reckless and immature. I was just not in the mood for baby-sitting them today. It was barely six pm and it was so dark outside, the pouring rain was hitting the windows hard, the air made the branches of the tree sway from side to side. The thunder made it seem like one of those scary nights that you see in the movies. I decided to have a movie marathon, but something that wasn't scary I am too much of a chicken. I was sitting in the sofa with a throw blanket covering my lower body and my bucket of popcorn.  I was so engrosed with watching Spy Kids (I know it’s for kids but that’s how I am) that i jumped a little when I heard the door fly open, I turned around only to noticed it was my parents.

“Hi” I said vaguely as I proceeded to continue watching the movie.

“Oh good your home, we need to talk to you” My mother replied

I turned to look at her, it was rare for my mother to want to talk to me. “Huh, What about?" I looked at her quizzically. The thing about my family is that we aren’t that close. For socializing we put on a front as if we are the perfect family but in reality we are not. We dont talk to each other at all, I guess it is to say that my mom is always busy with her friends and traveling to every fabulous place of the planet as she states it. My dad is always working, I think he is a work-a-holic. And I am always with my friends, technically I dont need my parents anymore. I think deep inside of me I just look at them as my roommates.

“We will tell you in a little bit, I have to go change” My mother said while removing her soaking wet coat. I guess it was raining really bad, good thing I decided to stay home tonight in my warm and cozy house.

“Okay” I told her while continuing to eat my popcorn.

I decided to keep on watching my movie. Damn Antonio Banderas sure is HOT!! Too bad he is too old for me, but still HOT!! After what seemed like 20 minutes my parents came down.  My father cleared his throat as a sign that they were ready to talk. I untangled my self from my throw blanket, paused my movie and went into the kitchen with them. We all sat down in the dining table, I sat down on the end of the table and both my parents sat to either side of me. My father looked quite nervous, which is surprinsingly funny. My dad is one of the best lawyers in town, he never showed he was nervous even in court. I guess he was able to pull himself together since he was the one that spoke first.

“Okay honey” my dad started  “Well” he stopped to clear his throat.

“The thing is” He yet again stopped

“Come on dad just let it out already you are killing me” I snapped at my dad, I didn't mean to but come on I like people who go straight to the point.

“Okay well you see honey a few years back I made an investment with an associate”

“uh hum SO?” I asked my father "What does that have to do with me? I really don't care about your investments" I was preparing to get up from the chair and head back into the living room to watch my movie.

“Let me finish!” He screamed at me, I instantly sat back down. He never screams at me this must be serious.

“The thing is that that associate has left town, never to be seen again, so that means..” my dad started to explain. I cut my dad before he can finish “How much did you invest with this guy?” I asked him, I prayed that it was only a little, please god, please don’t let him say we are broke. I looked at my father’s tentative expression.

“Everything” my father chocked out, he looked down he was embarassed. I was shocked, my mind went numb, i couldn't think.

My heart broke into a million pieces when realization came to me; my dad had invested everything EVERYTHING!!! We were broke! I looked at my mother hoping that she could say "oh you bought its a prank" of course that sound nothing like my mom. But i only found her crying like there was no tomorrow.

“SOoo what are we going to do, How are we going to survive?” I asked them.

“Well…” My mother finally spoke for the first time since this conversation started “You are getting married” my mother said cheerful. I swear she is bipolar she can be so sad and then so happy in the blink of an eye.

“ha ha ha ha” I started to laugh “Mom seriously you must be crazy, first of all I don’t have a boyfriend and second of all, I am way too young!” I slamme both of my hands in the table.

“Look honey it’s the best way for us to keep having this luxurious life” she raised her hands to the air and she did circular motions in the air. She was pointing out the whole house.

“But still mom, that gives you no right to marry me off to some old creepy, perverted man!” I was furious and could not keep my anger in control.

“LOOK KYRA!!” my dad screamed making me turn my attention towards him “YOU ARE TO MARRY THE STEWART’S KID AND THAT’S IT!”

“WHY THE HELL ME?” I screamed at my father I was not going down without a fight “WHY COULDN’T YOU CHOSE YOUR BASTARD DAUGHTER INSTEAD OF ME. WHY? HUH WHY?”

“What’s done is done” my father lowered his voice

“Look honey the Stewart’s kid seems like a nice kid, and beside you will still be able to have everything you want, all this luxurious life, It’s best for everyone”

“YEAH BUT I AM NOT EVERYONE” I went off on my mom “BUT FINE DO WHATEVER AT THE END I HAVE NO SAY IN THIS. AM I RIGHT DAD?” I turned to my father to which he obviously answered with a nod.

And with dad I got up and stormed off to my room. I heard my mom try to go after me but my dad stopped her. How can they be so selfish?  It is not an every day thing that parents went casually and married their kids just so they couldn’t work and enjoy the so called luxurious lifestyle. But yet again this is my parents we are talking about and they would do anything to stay on top even if it means ruining my life. 

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