{Chapter 3: The Dinner}

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Hey everyone sorry if it took me so long to update but i have been crazy busy i have not given up on this story i promise but its just my life is really hectic anywayz enjoy leave any comments and vote i guess but nah if you dont want to you dont have to.... oh before i foget the side picture are Dylan's parents... but if any of you guys dont like the people who play the character feel free to use your imagination okay bye


{Chapter 3: The Dinner}

When my mother reached down the stairs, she told everyone to start heading to the table. I followed everyone to the dining room. I sat down next to my mother, which she was clearly gossiping with Mrs. Stewarts who sat next to her. Across from me sat Mr. Stewart, who was indulged in some financial talk with my dad, his kid, Dylan just sat in silent next to my dad. We all started eating my mom kept on talking to Mrs. Stewart and my dad with Mr. Stewart. Dylan and I were quiet, I mean come on we had nothing to talk about. I finished eating first since I really wasn't hungry so basically I was just staring at my food waiting for everyone to finish. After what seemed like hours to me I finally couldn't keep still or quiet anymore. I needed to speak now everyone was just ignoring the subject. I cleared my throat very loudly so I could have everyone's attention and clearly I had obtained my goal. Every one's eyes were on me.

"Okay, clearly I don't know how you guys can keep on ignoring the situation, I mean clearly you need to catch up but come on we cannot ignore the situation anymore" I rushed out

"Kyra, please we can talk about this later" my dad told me

"No dad we need to talk about this now!" I insisted

"Kyra, later and that is my final word"

"Fine then I will be in my room whenever you guys are ready to talk!" I said standing up from my place and walking up the stair

"You have to excuse my daughter, she isn't very happy with this arrangement" said my mom

"She sure is a feisty one" Mr. Stewart said to my father

When I finally reached my room I threw myself on bed and covered myself with a pillow. Seriously my parents had some denial issues; I mean why we couldn't just talk about the god damn subject now. Five minutes later I heard someone knocking on my door.

"Kyra, please come down stairs we need to talk" my mother pleaded

"So now you are ready to talk about this nonsense!" I seethed

"Please, Kyra do not make the Stewart's mad, they are very powerful people and I would hate if anything happen to you"

"What the hell are you talking about mom, they aren't vampires are they?" I curiously asked my mom with a dead serious look in my face. I mean come on Edward could be real for all we know.

"No Kyra what the hell are you talking about vampires don't exist!"

"That's not what TV says" I tell my mother as I walk to the living room

Once I got to the living room I noticed that Mrs. Stewart had a huge binder in her lap. Mom went to sit next to her and I decided to sit next to my father. For some odd reason I was really scare of the Stewart's, call it paranoia or whatever but they gave me a bad vibe. 

"Okay well Kyra you will marry my son in about two weeks, of course you won't move out of your house until both of you are married, we have to keep the appearances as usual" Mrs. Stewart started

"Wait" I interrupted her "so I have no say in this, I mean why can't you guys chose my father's other daughter Olivia" I pleaded

"Because as I said before we have to keep appearances and well she is a bastard she doesn't belong in your family"

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