Chapter 12

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Having Seokjin back had a certain pressure lifted off of Jungkook's chest-- a pressure called missing him, and Jungkook's break was so much better, knowing that Seokjin was once again within his reach. It was especially fun on New Year's-- the first day of the year, with Seokjin being dragged to Hoseok and Taehyung's party by Jimin and Jungkook. The place wasn't too crowded-- because it was quite small, and Hoseok and Taehyung had only invited a few people, including their old roommates. Seokjin flicked both Jimin and Jungkook's ears (though it didn't hurt Jimin) and told them they were lucky there weren't too many people there, because he hated parties. (But, knowing Seokjin and how much he loved Taehyung, he would probably have gone anyway, just to see him and Hoseok again.)

"Back to school soon." Seokjin decided to mention halfway through the night, to which Jungkook whined and fell back against the couch, practically molding into it. Seokjin chuckled, his hand coming down soft on Jungkook's stomach and tickling him gently. Jungkook automatically curled in on himself as he began to giggle, his body falling onto Seokjin's, shoulder against arm, cheek against shoulder. Seokjin let his hand travel around Jungkook's shoulders instead of tickling him.

"I'm going to assume you're not too excited?" Jimin asked the next day, when he got the same response to mentioning school again. Except for school was right there, was going to be there when Jungkook woke up, and, no, he was not excited. He voiced this with a groan in his voice and a quick shake of his head, even adding a pout to the mix. Jimin chuckled, fingers in Jungkook's hair, running through softly.

"Why's that? I thought you would be eager to start learning again-- maybe start dancing again, if Taehyung and I don't freak out when you do." Jimin said. Jungkook let out a huff of a laugh, rolling his eyes. Jimin and Taehyung-- Seokjin, too, now that he knew-- were watching over Jungkook very, very closely, making sure he ate enough and got enough rest. Hoseok was watching, too, but he wasn't crowding. He was watching from a distance; he always did.

"I don't know. I think I'm just too used to spending the whole day with you, and I don't really want to fall back into only seeing you for a few hours out of the day before I have to shower and go to sleep." Jungkook said. He tapped on his legs, on his knees, and sighed. "I wish I could take you to school with you. I wish I could shrink you and keep you in my shirt pocket. I need a mini you to carry around with me all day."

Jimin was silent for but a moment as he reached over to grab at the papers Jungkook had tied together, the little actions Jimin could take. He ripped one from the string it was tied to and pressed it into Jungkook's palm, giving him a moment to read it-- Say something cheesy (because I hate cheesy things, but they might be sweet coming from your mouth)-- before he tapped on Jungkook's heart and whispered, "I'm always right in here, Kookie."

"Hyung." Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head. He crumpled the paper and threw it, aimed for the little garbage can he knew he had hiding in the corner of his room, right next to his bed. He could only hope it landed there, "I'm not letting you use that one again."

"I'm sure you'll let me say cheesy things even without a paper. Because they'll sound sweet coming from my mouth, hmm?" Jimin asked, to which Jungkook only replied by rolling his eyes. Jimin chuckled, and he almost kissed Jungkook, but-- Jungkook had been right about what he said the day before, about him being a little too shy and nervous to initiate anything properly. So he kept to himself, and he spoke instead, "But I'll always be waiting here at home. Making sure you eat. We can start planning things to do together once you come home."

"That's okay, you don't have to plan anything. I'll just be happy to come home and see you." Jungkook said. He snuggled further into Jimin-- curled up against his side and closed his eyes. Jungkook wasn't sure what time it is, only that the sky was dark and Jungkook's alarm was going to go off really, really soon. Was it midnight? It might be. It probably was. Jungkook really didn't get enough sleep.

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