Chapter 3

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"I think I should do something for him before he comes over." Jungkook said. He leaned against the counter as Jimin cooked, tapped his fingers on the marble surface. Jimin turned around, the hum that came out of his mouth asking Jungkook what he meant. Jungkook bit the corner of his bottom lip. "Like... maybe I should do something- before he gets here. I could... make him something? I don't know. I'm useless."

"Hey." Jimin said, normally happy face turning into a frown. He moved over to where Jungkook was standing, held onto the boy's cheeks, made their gazes meet. "What did I tell you? Just keep looking up to him; he'll be fine.... Maybe give him a compliment when he comes in. Tell him how much you missed him. He'll feel really good if he knows he's appreciated."

"I wish he would have known before. I wish I would've just-" Jungkook shook his head. He dropped his gaze for a moment to look at the floor. When he looked back at Jimin, the robot hadn't looked away at all, eyes still trained on Jungkook. The boy gave a smile, "I'll tell him something sweet."

"Good." Jimin said. Jungkook didn't realize Jimin was getting closer until he jumped back, hands falling from Jungkook's face quickly. "Sorry. Sorry, I'm- sorry." Jimin turned, walked away from Jungkook again, began to stir whatever he was cooking. It took another slow moment for Jungkook to realize that Jimin had almost kissed him; and he really wondered how much Jimin wanted Jungkook to fall in love. He wondered if it hurt Jimin. Could he feel pain? Were these things Jungkook could just ask Jimin, rather than have to ask Seokjin?

Too late; and it didn't matter. Seokjin knocked a few times just as a warning before he let himself in, because he knew he was allowed to just walk in. He always knocked anyway, always said he didn't want to scare Jungkook, didn't want the younger to think he was a robber or something of the like. Jungkook perked up as soon as he saw Seokjin, ran over and threw himself into the boy's arms.

"Jin-hyung! I missed you!" Jungkook said. He tucked himself into Seokjin, something he always did when he hugged someone. The habit came from Seokjin himself, as the older had always been taller than Jungkook, and it was just so easy for Jungkook to tuck himself into Seokjin's neck and feel comfortable, protected like that.

"I missed you too, Kookie." Seokjin chuckled. He let one arm fall from Jungkook's side to push the door shut. He looked at Jimin and waved. "Hi, Jimin! Do you, uh, like your life so far? How are things going?"

"They're going really good, Jin! Jungkook is really fun to take care of, just like you said!" Jimin said. He reached over and turned off the stove, moving the pot away. He began to go through Jungkook's cabinets, to grab bowls and spoons and chopsticks. "I've made you guys some soup! I also made rice, but I'll serve that after you eat your soup. I'll add something sweet to it."

"Jimin's really kind." Jungkook muttered into Seokjin's neck. He pulled away, fingers wrapped around Seokjin's wrists, holding onto them softly. "Thank you for making him for me. I really, really appreciate it. And for the money you gave us and the nightstand-"

"It's nothing, Jungkook, you don't have to thank me." Seokjin chuckled, arms breaking away from Jungkook's hands to ruffle his hair. "Besides, I thought you could use someone to take care of you when I'm not around."

Jungkook wondered when Seokjin would tell him that he really shouldn't be so dependant, that he should start taking care of himself. But- he really could use someone right now, someone to help him while he was focusing on school. College was a gateway to the rest of his life, he knew, and he should be learning how to take care of himself now, but it felt so much more reliving to have Jimin all the time than it would be to be alone most of the time.

"Thank you so much, hyung, really." Jungkook said, and he hugged Seokjin again. He felt the older boy's cheek shift, lips forming a smile against the side of Jungkook's head. He kissed Jungkook's temple, and then Jimin was calling the two of them over. "Lunch is ready! Come eat quick, before it gets too cold!"

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