Chapter 6

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Two days before Christmas, Park Jimin found out the true meaning of the word hectic. Of course he knew what the word meant; if Seokjin knew it, he knew it, but Jimin had never personally experienced anything hectic. He knew that, around the holidays, especially Christmas, people should be super, super happy, should be cuddled up next to lovers with hot chocolate, popcorn, zero stress thanks to no school, no work. He knew people should love their lovers and their families, should watch out for them, appreciate them. Jimin knew all about the holidays, and he planned on making this Christmas one of Jungkook's best.

This didn't go as planned, at first.

Jimin and Jungkook did everything lovers and family were supposed to do, even if they weren't lovers or family. Jungkook had been very open to falling in love with Jimin, though Jimin could tell he wasn't at that point yet. He knew what a man in love looked like; Jungkook didn't look that way. But Jungkook was giving Jimin a big chance, one that Jimin appreciated- one that Seokjin had told him wasn't easy for a lot of people to just hand away.

Spending the beginning of Christmas break with Jungkook was fun. He and Jungkook cuddled a lot, mostly sitting on the couch under a blanket. Jungkook would sit between Jimin's legs, leaned back against his chest, with Jimin's arms around his shoulders and a cup of hot chocolate in Jimin's hands. Jimin couldn't drink the hot chocolate, so he fed it to Jungkook instead; and he would steal a tiny, harmless taste of the chocolate off the corner of Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook was a messy drinker; and he didn't mind Jimin kissing near his lips.

Two days before Christmas, Jungkook was let off of work for the same span of time as he was let off of school. It had to do with his boss liking him a lot, knowing that he needed a break. It was obvious in the way Jungkook looked that he needed a clear break; and Jimin was grateful that Jungkook's boss had given him some off time. Juggling a job, college work, and all the different dances Jungkook was learning- the boy was overwhelming himself. Jimin didn't realize exactly how much he was overwhelming himself until that December 23rd.

Jungkook came home rubbing his eyes, yawning, backpack slung over his shoulder. He was walking slowly, something Jimin detected but didn't have an immediate chance to act upon; because Jungkook was walking over to him a few seconds after he'd closed his front door. Jungkook frowned, picked up a blanket and tried to hand it to Jimin. "Will you lock up if you're too cold? You'll stop working, won't you? You should put this blanket on-"

"It's warm enough in here, Jungkookie. Thank you." Jimin said. He stood up, pressed a little kiss to Jungkook's cheek. Jungkook was struggling to keep his eyes open, Jimin could tell. He grasped Jungkook's biceps, held him gently, and he began to move Jungkook along, "Let's get you to bed, okay? You look very, very tired. I'll make you dinner after you take a nap."

"No, I'm- I'm fine. I should... stay up. I have to go somewhere... soon." Jungkook said. He pulled himself away from Jimin's grasp, took a few steps in the direction opposite to which Jimin had been trying to take him. Jimin moved to follow as Jungkook was saying, "I'm actually... pretty hungry, hyung. Can you-"

Jungkook tried to take one more step, but his knees buckled, and he began to collapse. Jimin dove forward, just barely caught Jungkook's top half before he could smash his head against the ground. For a few minutes, Jimin wasn't even sure what happened. Why had Jungkook fallen so suddenly? Why were his eyes closed? Had he fallen asleep? But, no; Jimin realized he'd just fainted, and he gasped when this thought came upon him. What was he supposed to do? Should he take Jungkook to the hospital? Was something wrong? Had he just been tired?

It was stupid, but Jimin stood, let Jungkook rest against the floor, and he raced to the phone to call Seokjin rather than the hospital. He was halfway through dialing the number before he remembered that Seokjin had gone off to visit his mother for a few days- just until December 26th, when he would come back, would share presents and lots of homemade cookies with Jungkook. Jimin hung up the half-dialed number and called Taehyung instead, hoped he would know what to do.

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