Ashton blurb

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{Credit to Peachylewi}

Ashton becoming a dad like;

- "My little man!! Look at you! You and daddy are gonna be best buds, right, right?? :D"

- his camera roll would be full of pictures of his happy baby boy :(

- pretending to munch on his squishy little cheeks and giggling when little man Irwin squeals and giggles at his silly daddy :(

- always tugging on Ashton's hair and giggling when his daddy pouts at him


- he'd be so so whipped for baby Irwin like that kid would have Ashton wrapped around his finger and all he'd have to do is pout and he'd get his way

- taking videos of happy baby boy Irwin and the entire audio is Ashton going "awwww" or "oh my god he's so cute"

- going on his morning run with his little man passed out in the stroller he's pushing (he swears his little man loves his morning runs with daddy)


- getting so excited when his bouncy baby boy can finally talk and Ashton brags to everyone about how his little buddy's first word was "da-da"

- his Instagram would be full of videos and pics of him and his best buddy, baby boy Irwin and in every pic they're both SO smiley and SO happy goodbye

- "Hey buddy! Wanna go on an adventure with daddy? We can get pizza!!"

- giggling when he holds little boy Irwin's hand as he waddles beside his daddy on their adventure to the park!!!

- "Daddy I wanna go down the slide with you!! Pwease daddy, pwease!!"

- Ashton getting stuck on the slide that's way too small for him because he couldn't say no to that pout

- baby boy Irwin being a prince and Ashton being the dragon BUT when prince Irwin kills the dragon and Ash falls on the ground to play dead, the poor little guy starts weeping because he thought he killed his daddy

- "Nooo buddy it's alright see? Daddy's right here!! See it's okay don't cry bub!!"

- taking his little man for pizza and ordering a veggie pizza for the two of them to share :(

- carrying a very sleepy baby Irwin home as he snuggles into the crook of Ashton's neck :(

_ whispering in his ear as the sunsets and he sleeps happily, "I hope I can be the daddy you want me to be little man, the daddy you deserve."

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