Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

       "Are you serious?" I asked Belle, rubbing my forehead. "But he wasn't even in for a year!" I almost dropped my phone at the news. Grayson looked at me with a concerned look, but I couldn't tell him yet.

       "I know," she said. "It's stupid but apparently, the second time he did it, nothing really happened. He good out on good behavior."

       "Nothing really happened?" I repeated. "That's only because you got Grayson just in time. If Grayson didn't threaten him, something would have happened."

       Grayson looked even more concerned at the sound of his name, so he paused his game and scooted closer to me.

       "I know," Belle said again. "It's stupid. He's on probatiom though. He shouldn't go near you."

       "Shouldn't," I pointed out. "Last time, he wasn't allowed to but that didn't stop him. Is he going back home to you?"

       "Unfortunately, yes," Belle said with a sigh. "My parents are so happy that he's coming back. They think he was just blinded by love."

       I groaned at the news. "He does not....I'm not even going to bother."

       "I just thought I would tell you," Belle said. "I should go now. He'll be home soon." She hung up and I placed my phone down with a sigh.

       Grayson, knowing something was wrong, wrapped his arm around my shoulder, so I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

       "No," I said. "Ben got released from prison. He's on probation."

       "What?" Grayson asked, his concerned voice turning to anger. "Why the hell would they release him?! He's been in prison for only five months!"

       "He got out on good behavior," I said. "And the fact that nothing happened the second time."

       "Bull!" Grayson exclaimed.

       I sighed and reached up to hold his hand that was around my shoulder. "I know you're angry about it," I said. "But there's nothing we can do about it. It's already done."

       "Shouldn't he have a trial to see if he can get out?" Grayson asked. "He's a walking douche bag! He's going to do the same thing over and over again!"

       "I know," I agreed with everything he said. "At least you don't have to worry about it."

       "What the hell, Poppy?" Grayson asked. "Of course I have to worry about it! Ben assaulted you once and attempted to do it again! I'm just going to be worrying the whole time because I know if you even goes near you, he'll try it again!"

       "Calm down, Grayson!" I said. "I know you're pissed at Ben, but please control your anger."

       "How can I control my anger when he...." Annoyed at his bursts of anger, I rested my hand on his cheek and turned him towards me before pressing my lips against his. He kissed me back angrily, but I knew he wasn't angry at me. He was just angry at the situation.

       I pulled away, tugging on his arm to make him stand up with me. "Come on, let's go."

       "Go where?" he asked, though he didn't pull back as I pulled him down the stairs.

       "Our place," I said.

       "We have a place?"

       I nodded. "Of course. The place where I told you about Ben, where you told me about your family, where you spilled ice cream on my shirt."

       Grayson stopped suddenly, pulling me towards him, the force causing me to crash against his chest. "Where I first kissed you," he said in a low voice.

       "Exactly," I said, kissing his cheek before pulling him outside at to his car.

       Our special place was the beach. We shared so many moments there and we always went there when we needed to talk about something or relax.

       When we got there, Grayson and I walked down the beach, hand in hand as we talking about everything. He talked to me about his depression, telling me what caused it and even told me a few things I didn't know. I had no idea that he self harmed or tried ending his life twice. I felt horrible that I didn't know that, but he assured me that the latter was before we even started dating. He wasn't depressed at the time, he was just tired of his brother and dad.

       "There's something I still don't get," Grayson said. "How on earth did you fall for a damaged guy like me?"

       "Grayson, you're the only one who treats me like you do," I said. "You stood up for me when the whole school hated me. You got me through my assaults. You showed me what love is."

       "Same with you," Grayson said. "I was worried when I opened up to you that you would be scared of me and not want to be friends. But you are the reason I'm still here. I never told you this but the day before I stood up for you in detention, I tried ending my life. But then, seeing you being picked on brought back the memories of my dad and brother. I didn't stand up to them because I was a coward. I didn't want to keep being that way, so I stood up to Devon. I didn't want such a gorgeous girl to be picked on."

       "You compliment me a lot," I said with a smile. "I like it."

       "Good," Grayson said. "Because I love you and I'll keep saying it until the day you die."

       "I die?" I asked. "What if you die first?"

       "Impossible," Grayson said. "I'm too sexy to die."

       I rolled my eyes and stopped walking, standing in front of Grayson as I linked our hands together and held them in between us. "Well, Mr. Sexy, I love you too." I reached up, wrapping my arms around his neck and crashed my lips against his.

       His arm snaked around my waist as his other hand rested at the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. Yeah, we were in a public place, but there was nothing wrong with it.

       Grayson suddenly pulled away, looking at something behind me. "What?" I asked, turning around. There, standing not to far away with his parents, was the guy I couldn't stand. Ben.

       Ben was looking at me, a smirk written across his face. I couldn't believe they actually let him out on good behavior.

       Grayson pulled me closer to him, wrapping both his arms around my waist as he leaned down and whispered in my ear. "If he so much talks to you, I'll beat the crap out of him."

       I sighed. "Grayson, you can't do that, no matter how much I want you to."

       He sighed as well, resting his forehead against mine. "I know. I just don't want him hurting you."

       "He won't," I said. "At least not when you give him your famous death stare."

       Grayson gave me a light kiss. "You know me too well, Flower."


I really hate Ben, but I need to bring him back for storyline purposes. He's not going to be the only one making a special appearance. Next chapter, we get a visit from someone else. Someone....Well, I won't say. cx

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