Let's Go to the Beach!

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As Valerie and Ava arrive at the Usual Spot, they find Hayner, Pence, and Olette engrossed in conversation, sitting comfortably on the couch.

Spotting the sisters, Olette's face lights up with a warm smile. She stands up and approaches them, her eyes drawn to Ava's hair. "Wow, Ava! I really like your hair!" she compliments, her voice filled with genuine admiration. Returning the smile, Ava tilts her head slightly and replies, "Thanks, Olette!" Her hands playfully rest behind her back as she savors the compliment.

Hayner's attention shifts to Valerie, his lips curving into a mischievous smile. With his hands behind his head, he scratches his ankle with his foot. "I'm guessing you haven't seen blondie yet?" he teases, clearly referring to Roxas.

Unfazed by his remark, Valerie smirks, crossing her arms and leaning forward. "I'm looking at one right now!" she retorts, her playful banter filling the air. Pence bursts into laughter, holding his stomach as he tries to catch his breath. Hayner, still sporting a playful grin, unfolds his arms and waves his right fist in the air. "Not me! The other one!" he clarifies, knowing Valerie's witty response.

Giggling at their exchange, Ava places a hand over her mouth, attempting to contain her laughter. She shakes her head at Hayner's playful antics. "No, we haven't seen him yet," she answers, her tone filled with a mixture of curiosity and excitement.

Pence turns his attention to Ava and suggests, "Mind going outside to see if he is here?" His eyes gleam with anticipation, eager to reunite the group.

Ava nods, her curiosity piqued. "Sure, I'll go check," she agrees, stepping towards the exit of the Usual Spot, ready to embark on a little adventure of her own. "Sure you don't mind!" Valerie's teasing remark echoes in Ava's ears as she playfully sticks her tongue out at her sister.

"Mind your own business, Val!" Ava retorts, her playful tone laced with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. She gives Valerie a mock scowl before stepping outside, her determination to find Roxas undeterred. As Ava steps into the open, the familiar sounds of the Usual Spot fade into the background, replaced by the distant grunting that piques her curiosity. The rhythmic cadence of the noise draws her attention like a magnet, prompting her to follow its mysterious origin.

In the distance, Ava's eyes fixate on Roxas, who is energetically waving a stick in the air, fully immersed in his own imaginary world. His animated movements and childlike enthusiasm bring a smile to her face as she quietly observes his playful antics, relishing in the innocent joy of the moment.

Roxas gazes at the stick, his curiosity piqued, as he contemplates its purpose. Without hesitation, he begins to wave it around with increasing enthusiasm, fully engrossed in his imaginary adventure. Ava can't help but chuckle softly to herself, finding delight in his playful display and appreciating the carefree nature of his imagination.

As the impromptu play reaches its climax, Roxas's expression shifts from excitement to frustration, his gaze fixated on the stick in his hand. Ava decides to prolong the surprise and playfully hides behind a nearby box, her anticipation growing as she awaits Roxas's next move. From her hidden vantage point, she observes Roxas turning around, perplexed, and discarding the stick behind him, unaware of the unintentional encounter that lies ahead.

Unbeknownst to Roxas, the stick lands on the chest of a man, dressed in black, leaning against the nearby wall. Reacting to the impact, the man straightens up and walks away, disappearing down the nearby stairs. Roxas, realizing his unintentional mistake, takes a step forward, his voice filled with genuine regret. "Oh...sorry about that..."

However, Roxas's apology dissipates into thin air, as the man mysteriously vanishes without a trace, leaving Roxas standing there, slightly perplexed and bewildered.

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