They're Gone! Finding the Real Culprit

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Confusion fills the air as they all look around, searching for what could be missing. Olette's eyes widen, her voice filled with urgency. "Pence, what happened? What's gone?"

Pence's expression reflects genuine concern as he responds, his voice strained, "Our – are gone!" He takes a step back, his hand instinctively grasping his throat, as if trying to understand the sudden restriction. Hayner steps forward, his eyes widening in disbelief. "All our -, gone?" He too grabs his throat, a stifled cough escaping his lips. Olette gasps, her eyes darting between the group, struggling to comprehend the situation unfolding before her.

"You can't say - why not?" Pence meets their gaze, his voice tinged with urgency. "But you do understand what I'm saying, right? Our - are gone!" Valerie, her arms crossed in frustration, demanded answers. "What is going on? Why can't we say -?" Roxas ponders for a moment, deep in thought, before bringing his left hand to his mouth, as if contemplating the gravity of the situation. "Stolen...," he murmurs, his voice muffled by his hand. Lowering his hand, he turns towards the group, his eyes filled with realization.

"And not just the -. The word -! They stole it, too!" Ava shakes her head, confusion on her face, as she crosses her arms. "What kind of thief does that?" Hayner nods, his agreement evident as he chimes in, "Yeah, Seifer could never have pulled off something like this."

Valerie's arms fall to her sides as she directs her attention towards Hayner, her voice resolute. "There's only one way to get to the bottom of this and find out who's responsible for all of this." Hayner's determination matches hers as he nods emphatically. "Yeah! It's time for some recon!" With those words, Hayner takes off, leading the way, and the rest of the group follows suit, eager to uncover the truth.

As Ava steps toward the exit, a sudden unease grips her, gnawing at the edges of her consciousness. She stops in her tracks, a lingering doubt clouding her thoughts. Staring intently at the path before her, she's acutely aware of every sensation around her. "Why can't I shake the feeling that something's not right?" Ava muses silently.

Suddenly, a loud thud echoes behind her, piercing through the air. Her heart skips a beat, and she whirls around, her eyes widening in alarm. There, on the floor, lies Roxas, unconscious and motionless. Without a moment's hesitation, Ava rushes to his side, her concern and fear etched across her face.

"Roxas!" she calls out, her voice filled with worry and urgency. She kneels down beside him, gently cradling his head in her lap. Her hands tremble slightly as she searches for any signs of consciousness. Time stands still as she waits for Roxas to awaken, her heart pounding in her chest, hoping for a response.

 Time stands still as she waits for Roxas to awaken, her heart pounding in her chest, hoping for a response

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"His heart is returning. Doubtless he'll awaken very soon."


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