Goodbye Twilight Town

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In the darkness, Ava's steps faltered as she wandered through the void, her surroundings devoid of any light or sound. Desperation welled up within her as she attempted to call out, but her voice was stifled, swallowed by the oppressive silence.

Ahead of her a figure stood, his back turned to her. She strained her eyes, hoping for a glimpse of recognition, but his features remained elusive, obscured by a haze. The figure turned slowly, and Ava's heart skipped a beat, anticipation mingling with uncertainty. As he faced her, his image was that of a young man with dark blonde spiky hair. Her breath caught in her throat, but before she could fully grasp his presence, his form transformed, revealing a young man with brown spiky hair and gentle blue eyes.

Confusion washed over Ava as she tried to make sense of these shifting apparitions. The figure then transformed again, this time into that of a little boy, his face blurred and indistinct. Her curiosity piqued, Ava crouched down, hoping to catch a glimpse of clarity amidst the haze.

"Huh?" she uttered, her voice barely a whisper, her eyes fixed on the enigmatic child before her. As she strained to discern his features, a voice pierced through the void, cutting through the silence like a lifeline. "Hey, are you okay?"

Ava blinked, her eyes adjusting to the soft light that illuminated the room

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Ava blinked, her eyes adjusting to the soft light that illuminated the room. She found herself gazing into the most mesmerizing pair of blue eyes she had ever seen—eyes as captivating as the vast ocean itself. Paired with those eyes was a boy with a kind face and tousled brown spikey hair. She realized she was sitting upright on the floor, held securely in his arms, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence.

"Huh?" she mumbled, her voice barely audible, her eyes narrowing in confusion. The boy, seemingly snapping out of his own trance, looked at her with concern and repeated his question, "Are you okay?"

Ava's head bobbed in a slight nod as she tried to gather her bearings. "I... I think so," she managed to reply, her voice still tinged with uncertainty. Sitting up, she turned around, taking in her surroundings. Her eyes fell upon her sister, Valerie, who was being helped up by friendly-looking individuals. Valerie wore a pleasant expression, assuring Ava that they were in safe hands.

The boy extended a helping hand, assisting Ava as she rose to her feet. Grateful, she offered him a sincere thank you before her gaze wandered around the room. Confusion etched on her face, she turned to the boy beside her and asked, "Um... where am I?"

A flicker of confusion crossed his face as he searched for an answer. "I was hoping you would know," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Do you remember anything?" Ava's mind strained to recall past events, but everything remained shrouded in a blur, like fragments of a fading dream. She shook her head lightly, her voice filled with a tinge of disappointment, "No... I don't."

The boy hummed softly to himself, contemplating Ava's response. His eyes sparkled with a hint of joy as he turned towards the approaching figures. "Donald, Goofy!" he called out, a broad smile lighting up his face. The three of them quickly converged, engulfed in a warm embrace that emanated familiarity and joy.

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