Junior Heroes

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The Coliseum stood majestically before them, a testament to ancient architecture and heroism. Gold statues of armored warriors towered at its entrance, their crossed weapons framing the grand doorway. Built from solid, cream-colored stone, the structure featured sturdy columns and a massive pediment, adorned with lightning symbols – perhaps a nod to Zeus.

Donald, with his feathery tail wiggling in excitement, craned his neck to see every corner of the vast expanse. "Wow," he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with wonder. Goofy, gazing around with nostalgic fondness, said, "Gawrsh, this sure does bring back memories!" He took a moment to touch the cold stone of the Coliseum, as if rekindling an old friendship.

Valerie stood slightly apart, immersed in thought. A soft smile played on her lips as she remembered the countless hours she had spent playing Kingdom Hearts 1 at home. The Coliseum's familiarity evoked a wave of nostalgia in her, transporting her back to those carefree gaming sessions.

Ava, sensing the deep connection her companions had with this place, turned to Sora with a quizzical look. "Memories?" she inquired, her voice laced with intrigue. Sora's lips stretched into a mischievous grin. "Yeah, this isn't our first time here! Just wait till you meet Herc and Phil."

Ava's eyes sparkled with anticipation, but she kept her knowledge of the famed cartoon characters close to her chest, preferring to experience the adventure as it unfolded.

As they approached the imposing doors, they swung open slowly, revealing a wearied Hercules. His usual radiance seemed a tad dulled, sweat dripping from his brow. But upon seeing his old friends, the weight of his fatigue seemed to lift. "Sora! Donald, Goofy!" He laughed, his excitement evident. "When'd you guys drop in?"

"Hey, Herc!" Sora responded, arms wide open in greeting. Donald and Goofy cheerfully waved, their voices joining in a harmonious, "Hiya, Herc!" Noticing the two unfamiliar faces, Hercules offered a friendly wave. "And who do we have here?" he asked with a warm smile.

Valerie's wave was exuberant, matching the lively spark in her eyes. "Hi! I'm Valerie," she declared with a bright smile, her voice full of cheer. Ava, standing close, mirrored her sister's enthusiasm but with her own composed charm. She raised her hand in a friendly wave and introduced herself with a blend of warmth and poise, "I'm Ava."

Hercules responded with a light-hearted laugh. "Great to meet Sora's friends," he said, a friendly tone in his robust voice. Taking a few strides, he approached the group, his massive frame making even Sora look small. "You on another adventure?" His eyes sparkled with a mixture of mischief and nostalgia.

From the shadow of the doorway, Meg's silhouette became clearer as she leaned against the frame, one eyebrow raised, her dress flowing gracefully. Sora's hand involuntarily went to his cheek, a sheepish grin forming. "Yeah, tracking down some friends, wiping out some Heartless."

As Hercules and Sora shared a camaraderie-filled high-five, Hercules laughed, "Junior heroes, always busy!" Sora's grin widened, his teeth gleaming, "You know it!"

Leading the group inside the hall, Hercules took a seat on one of the stone benches, while Meg stood by his side, her arms folded. Inside, the cooler atmosphere and the muffled murmur of the outside world created a sense of isolation. "So, did you find those friends of yours?" Hercules inquired, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Sora opened his mouth, ready to dive into their story, "Still working on it. When we got here, we ran into Meg—" Ava quickly interjected, her tone playful yet urgent, her eyes darting meaningfully to Sora. "Mega trouble!"

Sora, realizing his near slip, sent Ava an appreciative glance. He resumed, "Right! So, we had to help somebody out. We tried to go teach Hades a lesson or two..." Valerie chimed in, her voice laced with a hint of frustration, "But the Underworld drains away all our strength."

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