Black History is not slavery

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They teach us so much "history"
Year after year the same story is being told,
To be honest, it's getting old,
Constantly telling me that I was just a slave
To be bought, sold and traded,
Constantly telling me about a revolution
That "ended slavery" but caused a depression,
Why don't they teach us our true history?
Why don't they teach us about Marcus Garvey and Ghadafi?
Both great men who tried to bring us out of mental slavery,
Why don't they teach us about Samora Machel (1933-1986)?
The first president of Mozambique,
What about Vivien Thomas?
Guess they never heard of him,
Although he revolutionized medicine.
What about Queen Poku
And her sacrifice,
This is black history, NOT slavery!
Be wise,
Be free,
Education is the key.

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