A far cry from freedom

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I've been told I wasn't wise,
I've been told the color of my skin will be the reason for my demise
And I empathize with my brothers of color,
We hold hands and say prayers,
We share the same fear
And when we shed our tears we know that God up there hears.

I've been told I'm a waste of space
but God don't make no junk son
Or is it because of my race?
You spat in my face and shamed me,
You raped my mom 'cause you love fucking black ladies
And when a black baby was born you were gonna kill me,
but my mom used her charm
"Turn him into a slave baby"
So I was born in captivity,
Half black, half white and even though my eyes were as blue as yours
My skin was as dark as my mom's so I could never be yours.

A few years later my mom died,
And a few years more Martin had a dream that made me cry,
That dream is the building block to where we stand today,
But my brothers,
Freedom is far far away.

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