S-I-S-T-A-R Facts

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During Push Push MV Filming, SISTAR members were on a diet. However, when late night snacks, Toast with Eggs was delivered. They stole one piece and went to the bathroom and shared their toast.

Bora’s first dream was, to become a Pianist. And second was, to be aBallerina.

Hyorin’s younger sister’s name is “Hye-Jeong

Hyorin was once cheated on by her ex-boyfriend with one of her friends.

Bora received a couple ring and a couple jacket from Super Junior’s leader, Leeteuk. [HELLO BABY]

Hyorin prefers wearing pants rather than the mini skirts and dresses they usually wear during their performances.

Soyou always wakes up earlier than the other members.

Since Dasom is the maknae of the group, she has to sit at the very back of the car. Their car is a Carnival, so it’s shaky. Also when SISTAR get something sponsored, Dasom would let the unnies choose first and she’ll get the uglier/last ones.

Soyou’s room is very clean, in contrast to Hyorin’s very messy room.

Hyorin is currently attending SungShin Women’s University studyingDigital Media.

Hyorin thinks that she’s not good at posing for photos and she doesn’t have the confidence to pose.

Dasom loves Green Tea Frappucino. She rarely eats meals.

There are lots of photos with Dasom winking because she has serious uneven eyes so she would just close one eye.

In order to stop shaking right before Hyorin gets on stage, she would jump up and down and fool around.

Hyorin confessed that she is greedy and a perfectionist.

Hyorin love dogs. She looked into volunteering at a safe heaven for abandoned dogs.

Bora still gets shy everytime she performs.

“I don’t talk much, people see me as a calm woman. I will just sit there silent with my long straight hair”  — Soyu

Soyou has bad sights so when she focuses on something, she squint.

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