Chapter 12 - The Party

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Reader's POV

"Wake up _________," You hear a familiar woman's voice say and smile as you open your eyes to see your mother sitting on the edge of your bed. "Good morning," She says her long wavy blonde hair shinning in the morning sunrise. You throw your arms around her neck and tears fill your eyes as you say, "Oh mother, I had the scariest dream!" She wraps her arms around you holding you tightly as she says, "It is alright my child it was only a dream. You are safe now." A smile crosses your face as she pulls away from you and says, "How about we go for a ride?" You nod as you climb out of your bed and feeling the soft grassy bed beneath your feet close your eyes and take it all in.

You walk over to your closet and pull out a beautiful mossy green gown that looked like it was made out of fresh tree leaves and smile as you quickly change your clothes and head out the door and to the stables. When you open the stable door you see your mother standing there holding a beautiful white stallion and smile as you stare at the magnificent horse and say, "He's beautiful,"

"You look like this is the first time you have seen Samuel before."

You tilt your head as you say, "Is this not our first meeting?"

She looks at you, eyes filled with confusion as she says, "He was a gift from Odin of Asgard for your father, but the two of you got along so well Od decided it would be best for you to receive him instead."

"Odin?" You say as the name sounded familiar but you didn't know where from.

"Yes dear, you've met him before he's the king of Asgard. He has two sons Thor and Loki."

You tilt your head as you say, "Have I met them before?"

She shakes her head as she says, "You have only met Odin."

You nod as you reach up and gently caress Samuels soft face as you say, "Mother, is it possible to have a dream about someone you've never met?"

Her emerald eyes find your (E/C) ones as she says, "Have you had a dream about them?"

You squint your eyes as you reach up and rub your forehead as you try to remember but come up with nothing. "I don't remember. Must not be that important."

You watch as your mother climbs up onto her sorrel mare and then turns back to you to say, "Then shall we?" You smile as you climb up into the saddle and start off after her as she trots past you.

You smile as you turn Samuel around to follow closely behind her. The two of you ride through the meadows that lay in front of your parents' castle before you make it to a lake where a group of women are talking with the water spirits. You smile as they look at you and wave. You turn back to the castle to see a trail of people walking inside and turning toward your mother ask, "Is there something going on?"

"Did you forget about the party we are having to honor the Allfather and his family."

You nod as you say, "I guess I did forget, I'm sorry mom."

She smiles as she says, "Do not worry my child; I have taken the liberty to have the frost spirits make you a special dress just for this occasion."

You suddenly feel happy as you say, "Really?"

She smiles as she says, "They left it in your room," You smile as you turn and ride back to the stables where after you hand Samuel off to the stable hands you run up the stairs and opening your bedroom door and lying on your bed sets the most beautiful dress you had ever seen.

A crystal-blue, off-the-shoulder dress made out of ice with powder blue sleeves, and underneath the sleeves of the dress is a long, transparent cape of sheer material draped down from her sleeves and covered with big snowflakes. "Do you like it?" You hear your mother ask and you smile as you walk over and gently lay a hand on the dress as you say, "Like it, oh mother I love it!"

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