Chapter 9 - Asgard

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Reader's POV CTND

The next few days went by rather fast and even though you were against it Thor had talked you into returning to Asgard with him and Loki. Today you found yourself surrounded by new friends and old as you and Thor say your goodbyes to your new friends. When the Tesseract was placed in the teleportation device that would harness its powers you walk up and taking Thors hand watch as he gives the other end to Loki and then twisting your side you feel the Tesseract pull you from Midgard and send you up to Asgard where Hiemdall along with a group of soldiers wait to arrest Loki.

As they do more show up and surrounding you reach forward and grab your arms. "Wait, let her go!" Thor says as he tries to make his way to your side.

"I am sorry Thor Odinson, but it is the Allfather's orders that we restrain both the war criminal Loki and your female companion."

Thor opens his mouth to argue when you interrupt him by saying, "It's okay, I'll go willingly." Thor clenches his jaw as he starts toward Valhalla leaving you to walk back alongside Loki. You look up into Loki's greenish blue eyes and see a look of empathy lingering in them, as you look into his eyes you start to feel uncomfortable and quickly look away.

As you all make your way toward Valhalla you glance around to see all the people staring at both you and Loki looks of anger and hate covering their faces. A sudden look of desperation fills your face as you clench your jaw and look down at the ground the rest of the way. You knew it had been a bad idea to return to Asgard, and now your once fond memory of this beautiful place has been tainted. You feel Loki's arm brush against your side and you look up to see that he had noticed your sadness, you find it rather surprising that even though he is about to face his father for all the destruction he caused on Midgard he is still trying to comfort you.

You see him look forward and as his body tenses you follow his gaze to see that you have entered Valhalla and are about to enter the throne room. Your heart starts to race as you look forward to see Odin sitting on his throne looking at you and Loki a look of disapproval filling his worn face. Before you make it to Odin the guards walk over and remove Loki's mouth cover. He takes a deep breath as he stands tall and walks toward his father. As you near Odin you glance to your side to see Frigga standing a few feet away and you feel a light sense of hope.

"Loki." She says sadness filling her face and voice.

"Hello, mother. Have I made you proud." You hear Loki say and you turn toward and give him a scowl.

"Please, don't make this worse." Frigga pleads.

"Define worse." Loki says and you clench your jaw as you want nothing more than to hit him for being so disrespectful to his mother.

"Enough! I will speak to the prisoners alone." Odin says his voice booming throughout the great hall. Frigga turns and leaves, as you and Loki are brought closer to Odin's throne.

Loki starts laughing as he says, "I really don't see what all the fuss is about." You keep your eyes on the floor as you listen in to their argument.

"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin, and death." Odin says and even though he tried to rule over humanity you instantly start to feel sorry for Loki.

"I wanted to rule the people of earth as a benevolent God, just like you."

"We are not Gods. We are born, we live, we die, just as humans do."

"Give or take five thousand years."

"All this because Loki desires a throne."

"It's my birthright!" Loki yells out his anger ringing out in his voice.

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