Chapter 7 - Coming in Second

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Thor's POV

Thor stares at Mjolnir as he thinks back to what he had seen when he first entered the room containing Loki's cage. When he had entered the room he saw the door opening to release Loki, so he rushes Loki fully intending to lock his brother back inside; but instead being tricked by a body double and in return locking himself inside. He looks over at the control panel where he sees Loki kneeling beside someone's unconscious body. "Loki stop this madness." He watches waiting for Loki to stand but he doesn't. "Loki what are you doing?" Loki's body tenses as he sets the hand of the person down and then turns toward his brother and says, "Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Thor clenches his jaw as he bangs his hammer against the glass cracking it but a little and in the process making the hinges of the cage move but a little.

He looks back at his brother as Loki says, "The humans think us immortal. Should we test that?"

Thor looks down behind Loki and sees ______ lying there unconscious. "What have you done to ______?"

Loki freezes as he says, "What is it to you? Have you finally remembered who she is?"

Thor clenches his jaw as he says, "How could you have remembered her before I did? You hated _______."

Loki clenches his jaw as he says, "I never hated her dear brother, I just knew that I could never match up to the mighty Thor that she held to tightly in her heart."

Thor's anger starts to rise as he realizes what Loki had tried so hard to keep hidden and says, "You loved ______?"

Loki's eyes narrow as he says, "Correction brother, I do love ________." Thor's breathing hastens as he tightens his grip on Mjolnir. Loki smirks as he says, "Her lips are softer than I initially imagined, too bad you never had a chance to taste them."

Thor's eyes widen as he says, "You kissed _______?"

Loki smiles brightly as he says, "Oh it must burn you that the love of your life kissed me before you ever had the chance to kiss her."

Thor clenches his jaw as he says, "And who say's that I have not shared a kiss with ________?"

Loki's eyes flash wild with anger as he says, "You kissed __________?"

"I have."

Loki reaches up and right as is about to open the whole in the middle of the glass cell, Coulson suddenly appears and threatens Loki with a Phase 2 weapon prototype.

"Move away, please." Coulson says as he points the massive gun at Loki causing him to move away from the switch. Loki stares at the weapon as Coulson says, "You like this? We started working on the prototype after you sent The Destroyer. Even I don't know what it does. Do you wanna find out?" But just as he's about to use the weapon suddenly Loki stabs Coulson from behind.

"NO!" Thor yells out and then looks back toward _____ to see her trying to make her way to Coulson's side but ending up running into Loki's legs. Loki turns around and sees her trying to crawl past him to Coulson's aid and his eyes narrow. She opens her mouth to say something when Loki hits the button and opens the whole in the cell dropping Thor out of the ship trapped in the glass cage, just as the cage is about to hit the ground he uses Mjolnir to break free through the glass and leap to freedom.

Thor breathes in deeply as he tries not to think about what Loki had said about ________ kissing him. He has greater things to do then worry about his jealousness, he has to protect Midgard. He twirls Mjolnir in his hand and then leaps into the air to track down Loki and stop his attempt to conquer Midgard.

Loki's POV

Loki stares out over New York City as he waits patiently for Selvig to finish the device to help the Tesseract open a portal for the Chitauri. His blood is still boiling from when Thor told him about also kissing _______. Loki had once again came in second to Thor and he hated it. Why was Thor so special that he got everything he wanted, the throne, the adoration of the people, and now the love of ________. Loki's grip on his scepter tightens as his anger grows deeper inside him. 'Not this time.' He says to himself as he walks out onto the balcony of the Stark building. 'This time I will be the one who is victorious.' When he sees a shadow come into view behind him he smiles as he thinks to himself that Thor survived the cage and was now here to attempt to stop him. "Took you long enough." Loki says as he turns but then freezes as he sees _______ standing there a golden yellow aura surrounding her body.

"What expecting someone else?" She says as she folds her arms over her chest.

"What are you doing here?" He asks as he steps toward her a look of confusion filling his eyes.

She clenches her jaw as she says, "Loki stop this, Midgard doesn't need a ruler and you don't need a throne."

Loki narrows his eyes at her as he says, "I have told you that stopping it isn't possible."

Her eyes flash golden as she says, "Loki I am only going to ask this one more time because you are my greatest friend. Please for my sake stop this."

Loki's heart clenches as he wants with every fiber of his being to just end it and run off with her but deep down he knows he can't. "I'm sorry ________, but I cannot." T

he golden aura surrounding her grows brighter as she says, "Then I have no choice but to stop you."

"I guess so."

Then right as she is about to attack him she collapses to the floor clasping her chest. "________!" Loki says as he rushes over to her only to be sent backwards by the golden light.

"Loki please stop the Tesseract!" She calls out as the golden light starts to pulse around her.

The next thing Loki knows ________ disappears in a bright golden light leaving no trace behind. "________?" He says as he looks around him frantically trying to find her right as Tony shows up on the balcony in his Ironman suit. Loki clenches his jaw as he remembers his promise to open the portal no matter what and quickly puts his own emotions aside as he waits patiently for Tony.

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