Chapter 12

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"Come on guys, RUN!" Steve yelled behind him as he led the group of de-aged avengers through the hall.

They didn't stop to think about which way to go, there wasn't really any real destination they just needed to get away. The group had no idea how long they had been running but the adrenaline from the terrifying situation kept them going, well some of them.

"Steve! Oh- Oh god! St- Steve!" Tony gasped as he stopped running and fell against the lockers beside of him.

Steve slid to a stop and he turned to see a heavy breathing Tony, "Come on Tony we gotta go! He's going to kill us!"

"I- I I know! I'm just so... So Light headed..." Tony puffed out as he slowly found his way closer and closer to the floor.

"You know that's from not eating right?" Steve replied putting a hand on the other teens shoulder reassuringly.

Thor and Bruce were standing off to the side, watching with frowns of concern.

"Yes mum." Tony sighed as he pulled himself up with the help of the lockers. "Come on lets go." He said in a tired voice and took a small step forward on his own which resulted in his vision tilting and him losing balance, falling back. He would've fallen to the ground if Steve wasn't there to catch him.

"Oh gosh Tony..." Steve said softly, he looked around for any ideas on what to do, along with also looking back to check if Loki had caught up with them yet. Looking around his gaze met that of the janitor's closet.

"Up you get." Steve said as he helped Tony back onto his feet and pulled the others arm over his shoulder to give him more support.

He led Tony towards the closet, before looking back slightly at Thor. "Hey Thor, can you open this for me please?"

Thor ran over and opened the door and that's when Tony came to realisation, "Woah whats happening?"

Steve ignored the other teen as he led the boy to the end of the large, walk in janitor closet and placed him on the ground against the wall.

"Woah wait! You are NOT leaving me in here!" Tony basically shrieked, glaring up at Steve.

"It's only for a little bit! You're going to pass out if you keep running! Just stay here I'm going to get help! Just don't leave... And keep as quiet as possible." And with that Steve was rushing out of the room and closing the door after him.

"Okay, let's go!" And the now group of three were running down the hallways again.

Clint and Natasha stood next to each other as they stared at the front of the dark school.

"Doesn't look like anyone's there..." Clint mumbled, confused.

"That's what makes me nervous." Natasha replied as she walked off not waiting for Clint.

Clint frowned up at the school with concern before jogging to catch up with Natasha.

The two walked up the entrance doors of the school and Clint went to open them but hesitated.

"Are you sure they'll even be in here? It's pretty dark" He questioned his hand still hovering over the door's knob.

Natasha sighed and slapped Clint's hand away, opening the door herself. "There's no time to hesitate Clint!" She said as she sped walked into the school.

"Does this place house any lights?" Clint said under his breath, looking around for a switch at the same time.

Suddenly light filled the room and Clint had to cover his eyes not expecting the brightness.

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