Fear Her

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I am soooo sorry for the wait! Uhg, I hate how much I've had to say that lately... I've been having issues with my computer- the Internet's been slow, my mouse pad stopped working, and a lot of of other little things that have kept me from working.
Also, in a week, after being at a community college for two years, I'm finally transferring to a University! EXCITING! and terrifying... so I've been packing and getting getting ready to move eight hours away to go to school.
So continuing updates might take a while, but know that I am not abandoning this story! I cried yesterday when I saw that the first book got a thousand reads!
I haven't had much to do this summer, so I always put off writing because, 'I'll have time to do it later.' But now, going back to school where I'll have a busier schedule, I know I'll only have a limited amount of time to write, so I'll try to get as much do as fast as I can- you might actually get quicker updates... well, we'll see.
I just want to continue to say thank you some much for your continued love and support of my writing! I love getting comments and votes letting me know you actually enjoy my work. And don't be afraid to push me for updates, some times I could use the motivation! ;)
I found that picture/post somewhere and totally loved the idea of it. I did use the idea in my story but it is not my idea and I give all credit to whatever brilliant mind did think of it- THANK YOU!!

Anyway, that's all for now folks,

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While getting ready, my mind is all the more focused on last night. I didn't have a peaceful night, but I know that had the Doctor not been there, I wouldn't have slept at all. Nightmares plagued my mind, not allowing me too much rest between when the Doctor calmed me down, to when I fell asleep again. Visions of devils, black holes, and the impending feeling of loneliness left me hardly any time for a peaceful slumber.

Throughout the night the Doctor woke me up when the tossing became too worrisome, and he'd help to settle me back into sleep. I'm not sure how much sleep he got last night, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't much more than I received.

We didn't talk much last night, but we didn't really need to. We have always been able to communicate effectively in silence. We share a deep understanding of each other and words are not always needed. I was scared, scared of something happening to him, scared of being alone again, scared that something would happen to me and what would happen to him because of it. But he was there, he was there all night making sure I knew he wasn't going anywhere and that nothing was going to happen to me.

After showering and getting ready in an automatic mindset, I am surprisingly pleased with my appearance. I had put on a large red slouchy sweater, dark blue skinny jeans and my tan combat boots. My hair had dried in its naturally curly state with slight amounts of frizz, and I had even put on eyeliner and mascara. I shake myself out of my over-thinker's funk, and make my way out to the console room.

I join Rose up on the jump seat and squish her into a big hug, making her laugh as she tries to squeeze me back harder. I lean back against the seat with my arm thrown over Rose's shoulders as I say, "So Doctor, where are we headed today?"

"I've got somewhere in mind." He smirks over at Rose and I as he flips levers and switches excitedly, ready to show off his next destination idea. When the TARDIS lands he grins as he heads towards the doors, but it drops when he sees the wall he's opened the door up to. He quickly closes the door and heads back to the console, "Nope, forgot, human lungs can't take in the atmosphere here. Let's try somewhere else."

Rose and I try to contain our giggles as he works to turn the TARDIS around while not letting on that he'd parked it wrong on the first place. I hide my face in Rose's neck as I laugh, wondering how forgetting the atmosphere is bad for humans, is better than admitting he can't parallel park.

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