Rise of the Cybermen

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Hey y'all, I just wanted to apologize for the long wait. With my enjoyment of summer, my extreme laziness has kicked in. I promise I will try harder to update more frequently. I would like to thank you all for sticking by me, and enjoying my writing. Those of you who take the time comment on my story really mean a lot to me, and I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
I also promise to get the next chapter up as soon as I can, especially because it's a two-parter episode, so I don't want you to have to wait for the next update for too long.

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After everything that happened with Reinette, it took me a few days and some fun adventures to feel good again. But of course, the Doctor bounced right back, like he always has. I now understood though, why he has to. We meet so many people in our travels and we come to care about them, but we don't get to stay, we always keep moving. It's always onto the next adventure, meeting even more people. I've met tons of people, many that I've come to care for, but there are always those few who really stick with you, like Reinette.

The Doctor, Rose and I were reminiscing over some of our older travels, sharing the stories with Mickey. The Doctor and I sit side by side on the jump seat while Rose is perched precariously on the edge of the console across from me, being careful not to hit anything. While Mickey stands next her with his hand resting beside her.

"And that weird munchkin lady with the big eyes- do you remember the way she looked at you? And then she opens her mouth and fire comes out?" The Doctor exclaims, making me laugh not only at the memory but at the pure excitement on his face, "I thought I was going to get frazzled!" I try to say through my laughter, but I'm not sure any of them understood me.

"Yeah, one minute she's standing there, and the next minute- RAWR!" "RAWR!" The Doctor and I growl at the same time, pushing our hands out in a show of 'fire.' I hold onto the Doctors' arm as I try to keep myself upright while I laugh, and Rose is laughing almost as hard as I am, both of us with tears blocking our vision.

"Yeah? Where was that then? What happened?" Mickey asked from a little behind Rose, sounding like he's really trying to understand. My laughter cuts off as I look towards the Doctor for an answer, not really remembering.

"Oh, it was on this, um... this uh, planet thing. Asteroid." The Doctor half-heartedly explains, "It's a long story, you had to be there." I chuckle as I shake my head at his flippant reply and fix the rolled up sleeve of my jean jacket, that I'm wearing over a loose grey V-neck, with black jeans and brown combat boots.

"Um, what are you doing that for?" The Doctor asks him, and it's only then that I notice that Mickey isn't just leaning against the control panel, he's holding a button down. I purse my lips and hide my head behind the Doctor's shoulder as I try my hardest to keep my laughter in.

"Cause you told me to." Is his simple answer, and honestly, a little bit of guilt builds in my stomach- poor Mickey.

"When was that?" The Doctor questions as he looks him over and I slowly bring my face back into view.

Mickey shrugs, "About half an hour ago."

"Um... you can let go now." The Doctor says with such a straight face that I can't keep my laughter back anymore, I burst into loud giggles making Mickey glare at me and the Doctor beam at me.

Rose is trying her hardest to keep from laughing, having seen Mickey's not so happy expression, but seems to be having a hard go of it, "Well, how long's it been since I could've stopped?" Mickey demands.

The Doctor tries to look pensive as he says, "Ten minutes? Twenty?" he looks down at me with a straight face, but with a hidden smile behind his eyes, before turning back to Mickey and giving his final answer with a bit of a squeaky voice, "Twenty-nine."

Possibly Mine (New Possibilities sequel; Doctor Who)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن