The Impossible Planet

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Despite the fact that I was out of it for the better part of the day yesterday, I slept surprisingly well. In all likelihood, it was probably because of who slept next to me. The few times that the Doctor has stayed with me, I've had the best sleep.

This morning, he woke me up with a gentle kiss to the forehead, telling me he had to get things ready for today's adventure.

I took a quick shower and turned on the curling iron as I got dressed. I put on a grey, lose v-neck, with an open black and white flannel over top, jean shorts, and black combat boots. I curled the natural curls in my hair, leaving as more of a lose wave, put on eyeliner and mascara and called it good.

I just make it into the console room as the Doctor shakily lands the TARDIS. He sends Rose and I a quick look before heading towards the door.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" I ask worriedly, the Doctor's confusion making me slightly nervous.

"She's sort of... queasy." He tells us as we exit the TARDIS. He closes the door behind me and looks up at her, "Indigestion, like she didn't want to land."

I try to keep a straight face as I say, "Well, if you think there's going to be trouble, we could always get back inside and go somewhere else." But the second I finish, we're all doubled over in laughter. I put my hand on the Doctor's arm in an attempt to keep myself upright, only making him laugh harder.

As we settle down, I look around the space where we've landed, "I think we're inside a cupboard." I say as I take in the pipes lining the walls.

"Here we go." The Doctor says as he heads for the door, and as he opens it, an automated voice announces, "Open door fifteen." He takes a quick look around before saying, "It's some sort of base- Moon Base, Space Base, Sea Base." He rambles off the options making me chuckle, he smiles as he defends his indecisiveness, "They build these things out of kits."

"Oh, comforting." I tease with a roll of my eyes, he chuckles at me and takes my hand. I hear Rose close the door behind us and the voice again, announces it, "Close door fifteen."

"Glad we're inside, at least." Rose says as she tilts her head to the side, listening, "Sounds like a storm out there."

"Open door sixteen."

"Human design- you've got a thing about kits." He continues as he leads us through the next door, "This pace was put together like a flat-pack wardrobe, only bigger. And easier." I chuckle at the comparison and he squeezes my hand.

"Open door seventeen."

"Oh, it's a Sanctuary Base!" He says as he looks around what looks to be a common room.

"Close door seventeen."

Words written on the wall freeze me in place, and the Doctor lets go of my hand as he continues to wander around having not noticed them yet, "Deep space exploration. We've gone way out. And listen to that, underneath, someone's drilling." He says thoughtfully as he comes to stand next to me, facing the opposite direction.

I read off the words I understand, "Welcome to hell." and think it strange that that's all I can read.

"Oh, it's not that bad." He scoff. Rose chuckles as she comes to stand on my other side, "No you idiot, over there."

"Why can't I read the rest of it?" I question as the Doctor walks closer to the wall in confusion, "I thought the TARDIS translated everything, writing as well, we should see English."

He only nods as he stares at the writing, "Exactly. If that's not working, then it means...this writings old...very old. Impossibly old." He stands up and head to the next door, "We should find out who's in charge. We've gone beyond the reach of the TARDIS' knowledge- not a good move, and if someone's lucky enough-"

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