The Satan Pit

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I just want to say that I got a pretty even request about when y'all wanted me to post these two chapters. I decided that'd I'd post them together, but work really hard so you wouldn't have o wait for very long. I'd like you all to know that I worked very hard all day, and right now as I post this, it is 5am.
Thank you all for reading and commenting and voting. It makes late nights like these so beyond worth it.

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"Open fire!" Jefferson called the order, and he and another woman from security opened fire on the advancing Ood.

As soon as the bullets stop flying I race over to the com, "Doctor! Doctor, can you hear me? Doctor, Ida are you there?"

"Open door twenty-five."

I look up to see Jefferson push Rose behind him as he aims his gun towards the opening door. Both he and the woman drop their guns when they see it's only Danny, "It's me! But they're coming!"

"Close door twenty-five."

"It's the Ood, they've gone mad!" Danny explains as he finishes closing the door.

"How many of them?"

"All of them! All fifty!"

Jefferson moves forward as he orders, "Danny, out of the way. Out of the way!" He pushes Danny away from the door and spins the wheel to open it, causing Danny to freak, "But their armed! It's the interface device. I don't know how, but they're using it as some kind of weapon!"

"Open door twenty-five."

The closest Ood steps into the doorway and pushes the communicator bulb to the woman's forehead, electrocuting her. She screams as she dies and Jefferson jumps into action, shooting the Ood that killed her before closing the door on the rest.

"Seal door twenty-four! Seal door twenty-three!" Danny yells over the coms to Zach.

"Jefferson, what's happening down there?"

"I've got very little ammunition sir, how about you?" Jefferson replies. Rose runs over to me and takes my hand once again.

"All I've got is one bolt gun with eh," there's a pause as he checks for ammo, "all of one bolt. I can take out a grand total of one Ood. Fat lot of good that is."

"Given the emergency," Jefferson sighs, "I recommend Strategy Nine."

Zach only hesitates for a second before speaking again, "Strategy Nine agreed. Right, we need to get everyone together. Lily, what about the Doctor and Ida- any word?"

I take a shaky breath as I tell him, "I can't get a reply. Just... nothing. I keep trying, but it's-"

"No, sorry. I'm fine. Still here." The Doctor's voice finally came through the com, and I let out a growl of frustration.

"You could have said, you stupid-" Rose yanked hard on my hand, stopping a flurry of cures from escaping, and making feedback run through the com unit.

"Whoa, careful!" he calls back, a smile in his voice, probably knowing he escaped being called a multitude of nasty things. "Anyway, it's both of us, me and Ida. Hello! But the seal opened up. It's gone. All we've got left is this... chasm."

"How deep is it?" Zach questions.

The Doctor sighs, "Can't tell. Looks like it goes down forever."

"The Pit is open." I repeat the words I heard earlier, "That's what the voice said."

"But there's nothing. I mean-" Zach hesitates, "there's nothing coming out?"

The Doctor immediately replies, "No, no, no sign of the Beast."

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