Girl In The Fireplace

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I have a little request/plea at the end of the end, in my little Author Spew.
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Having talked basically all night with Rose while snacking our brains out in the kitchen, I finally managed to get into bed and pass out. We talked about what the Doctor had told me outside of the café, and how I hated that my feeling were hurting him. Rose pointed out that he could have easily tried to deny his feelings but he seems to be following what Sarah Jane had told us; 'Somethings are worth having your heart broken for.'

She helped to put my mind at ease somewhat and that made it easier for me to fall asleep. This morning I decided to do something a little different, and wear something I hardly ever do. After taking a shower and curling my long blonde locks, I slipped on a pretty mid-thigh, dark blue skirt with floral print, a thin, white knit sweater, and my comfort item, my brown combat boots. And I did my regular makeup consisting of mascara and some light eyeliner, and made my way out to the console room.

The closer I got to the console room, the more I started to regret my choice of clothes.

Why did I think wearing a skirt was a good idea? With all the running that we do, it's going to be a pain in the ass.

I NEVER wear skirts, the hell am I trying to prove?

I look ridiculous.

I know Mickey's going to laugh at me.

I had almost convinced myself to turn around and change when I stepped into the room. Rose and Mickey were talking as they sat on the jump seat, and the Doctor was running around the console as usual. Rose glanced up as I made my way towards her, and a large smile spread across her face as she took me in. Mickey, noticing that she wasn't paying attention to him anymore, turned to find what had caught her interest. And like I guessed, he started to giggle when he saw me. Promptly earning a hard smack from Rose, while the Doctor continued to work; completely oblivious to his surroundings.

I nodded at her in thanks and leaned against her side of the jump seat as I asked, "So, where are we headed Doctor?"

"I figured for Mickey's first trip we'd head out..." He began to answer me, but trailed off as he turned around to face us. I wasn't totally sure what had the Doctor speechless, but I was caught between hoping it was me, and dreading that it. Hearing Rose's chuckles, the Doctor shook his head lightly before showing off a large grin, "you look lovely Lily." He complemented me nicely before turning back to the console as he explained that we were going out pretty far.

Rose nudged me with her elbow, and Mickey wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively. I scowled at them and flipped them both off before walking over to the Doctor, trying to escape their teasing. I leaned against the console as he flipped switches and levers and moved things around, wishing I had some kind of understanding to what it all did.

"Showing off for the newbie, Doctor?" I teased as he concentrated on flying the TARDIS. He chuckled lightly before admitting, "Well, what's the fun of having new people on board if you can't show off a bit."

Suddenly the TARDIS landed, and I was a bit surprised at how smoothly he managed to make it, "Going for the subtle approach, are we?" I poke fun at him with laughter behind my voice. He playfully glares at me and takes my hand to lead me to the doors, but Mickey and Rose race past us to make it out first.

"It's a spaceship. Brilliant! I got a spaceship on my first go!" Mickey cheered as he and Rose checked out their new surroundings.

"Looks kind of abandoned. Anyone on board?" Rose asks as she takes in the slightly beaten up old ship.

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