Mistaken • Chapter Twelve

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sorry guys if i aint updating. too much school work. there's a huge twist at the end of this chapter. 💘🎈

The night sky was illuminated by the stars and the place was silent and was a picture perfect moment indeed. The family took the advantage of the moment to have a barbecues for dinner and a huge bonfire under the night sky.

" Wow! Pasta and barbecue! " Matti eyed at the delicious food on his grandmother's  hands coming to the table.

" Specially made for you, nieto. Eat lots and lots. Your abuela made that. " Fernando's father encouraged with a warm smile at his grandson.

" I'll grow into a size of a house! " Matti cutely reacted.

" You'll look more cuter! "

" Abuela! Abuelo wants me to be a house. " Matti turned to his grandmother.

" Me too. "

Fernando sits on the dinner table, looking at the stretch of good food prepared.

" The banquet looks good for tonight. " he commented.

" Get your stomachs ready to consume a feast. " his mother sat next to his father.

" Surely Papa. You're lucky to have a good cook for a wife. "

" I know, son. I know. " Fernando's father truly loved his mother and surely those years were wonderful. He wanted it to be the same love story with Thalia. But thing went into a different pace.

" Flatterers. Eat up boys! "

" Salad's here. " Thalia entered with a bowl of leafy greens.

" Vegetable? Yuck! " Matti reacted.

" Its good for you, hijo! " Thalia suggested.

" A little only! "

" Everyone settle down, lets start praying before we eat. "

" Where's Lu? " Thalia turned to Fernando.

" Upstairs. "

" I'll call her, you guys go on without me. " Thalia gets up from her seat and heads inside the house.

Lucero was busy answering the phone call of her devil ex boyfriend in the room.

Manuel: Enjoying your vacation, sweetheart.

Lucero: What do you want? You really have the nerve to bother me again.

Manuel: I'm just checking on my sweetheart and our baby. I'm still watching you through my connections.

Lucero: Get straight to the point.

Manuel: I hope both of you are fine.

Lucero: You cared?

Manuel: Why wouldn't I? Its my child after all.

Lucero: Cut the shit.

Manuel: I'm in New York and I'll be back by a month or two.

Lucero: And?

Manuel: By the time I return, I'm taking you back where you belong.

Lucero doesn't reply and drops the call. She storms out of the room, bumping into a startled Thalia.

" Lucero... "

" What? " she answers feistily. Thalia's mind goes loading and stares at her before she snaps out of it.

" Are we just gonna stare at each other all night? "

" Dinner... is served. " Thalia stutters.

" I'm not hungry. "

" But Lu, the baby needs proper nutrition like manganese, calcium, iron.... "

" Don't get all science with me. And since when did you become a doctor? " Lucero crosses her arms.

" I'm a mother too. "

" I'm fine. "

" Please just a bit. "

" No, I'm fine. "

" Lu... "

" Why are you so annoying? "

" That's funny. It sounds so ironic at some point. Listen to this, even if I hold this gigantic grudge with you and Fer and no matter how much I want to inflict revenge. I still care because of that thing inside of you. If that were out of the way, I would drag you downstairs with my bare hands by myself. " Thalia released the inner beast inside of her. Leaving Lu speechless about it. She stares, feeling low.

" What? Are you eating or not? "

" I lost my appetite. "

" Okay fine. Die with your baby. "

" Even if this dies, Fernando will never leave me, he won't learn that its not really his. " the truth slipped out of her tongue.

" What the fuck! All this time! Its not his! Jesus Christ, go to hell. " Thalia enraged. " All this time, you've been playing with us, you've been having ambitions to become his wife? Not happening missy! You ruined our marriage and I'll never forgive you for that. I'm telling Fernando. " Thalia makes her way downstairs.

Lucero slips out her swiss knife in her pocket and quickly stabs Thalia multiple times on the back. And blood poured out from her mouth. Lucero didn't want her dreams to die so she did commit an awful crime. She killed her. With one final stab, Thalia's lifeless body rolled down the staircase. The family rushes in to find out the noise but sees their beloved daughter in law bathed with a pool of blood on the foot of the stairs. As for Lucero, she wasn't able to move a bit, the blood stained knife dropped effortlessly from her hands and tears flowed from her eyes in guilt for the first time.

" Mommy. " That was all Matti could mutter. He wailed and hugged his mother on the pool of blood one last time and Margarita joined him to grieve. Fernando climbed up to confront Lucero.

" Jesus! What did you do? " Fernando went on rage mode, his nerves seemed to be visible and his face turned red.

" I love you. " She muttered and tried to hug Fernando with her blood stained hands but he pushed her away.

" There she is! " Fernando's father arrived with the police. And quickly dragged the guilty Lucero out of the house to prison. Fernando and his father joined Matti and Margarita in grieving.

Thalia opened her eyes one more time and saw Fernando supporting her head, crying for her. She didn't say a word but she was very weak and she saw heaven awaiting. Thalia caressed Fernando's face one last time and she turned to her son and held his hand.
Thalia looked into Fernando's eyes and whispered so silently. " I love you both. "

Her arm helplessly falls down. The medical team soon arrive.

The End.

that was a twist 😓


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