Chapter Seven≪ Late Night

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Saturday morning Ryan took me back to my house so I could grab some things. I had decided to stay at his place a bit longer since I had nothing better to do. I grabbed essential things: my cell phone, my wallet, my chargers, clothes, my laptop, etc. After I had everything I needed, we drove back to his house to find Scott on the computer. Scott had decided to spend the night for the Live Stream.

I walked up to what was now officially my room. Scott had took the other guest room for while he stayed here. I put my bags down on the bed, deciding to put it all away later, then headed back downstairs. I found Ryan and Scott sitting together at the computer.

Ryan looked over his shoulder and said, "You'll need to be quiet for a few minutes while we quickly record this."

I nodded and sat down on the couch. I listened to the two as they recorded the audio for the video.

"Hey, guys," Ryan started.

"Hello~" Scott pitched in.

"Scott and I wanted to tell you about our agenda for tonight's Live Stream."

"We'll start off with some Mario Party."

"Then we'll flow into Worms."

"Afterwards. . . What are we doing after that, Cry?"

"Uhhh. . . We'll be playing. . . Scribblenauts!"

"Lastly before the wind-down hour, we'll be playing Left 4 Dead 2."

"Alright. . . That's all, guys."

"No it's not," Scott said, giving Ryan a look.

"What do you mean?"

"Tell them about the surprise."

Ryan laughed, "Yes. Tonight, we'll have a surprise for you all. We can't tell you anything further than that or give you any hints. I hope you'll enjoy this surprise of our's, though."

Then in unison, Ryan and Scott said, "See you tonight!"

They stopped the recording and began making the video for it. It didn't take them all that long to make.

"Are you going to upload it now?" I asked.

"Uhh. . . It's kind of early, but. . ." Scott trailed off, glancing at Ryan.

Ryan shrugged then logged on to YouTube. I saw him begin the upload.

"Alright. You guys want to order pizza later for the stream?" Ryan asked.

"I love pizza!" I exclaimed.

"I guess that's a 'yes,' " Scott laughed. Ryan laughed along with him.

"What shall we do until the Stream?" I asked.

"Video games, movie marathon, anime marathon. . ." Scott suggested.

"How about all?" Ryan proposed.

"Yush!" I exclaimed.

Ryan dug out two controllers, then popped in a game. He came back to the couch and sat down next to me, handing me a controller.

"We'll take turns playing against each other," He said.

The screen showed the main menu for Mortal Kombat. I grinned and let out an evil laugh.

"Bring it, punk!" I said.

That's how it was. The three of us played multiplayer Mortal Kombat against one another, watched anime and movies, until it was time for the stream.


I sat down in the recliner on the other side of the room, away from Ryan and Scott. The two sat together at Ryan's desk. Ryan was on his computer while Scott was on his laptop. They had decided to share the mic.

I Never Saw It Coming {A Cryaotic/ChaoticMonki Fan Fiction} *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now