Chapter Two≪ What Lies Beneath

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I uploaded two new videos, another Skyrim and Assassin's Creed. I sighed heavily and laid my head down on my desk. I needed sleep, but I didn't want to. If I slept, the nightmares would start again. Lately, my chronic nightmares decided to resurface once more.

I lifted my head up and placed my chin in my palm. I knew if I didn't prop it up, I'd fall asleep. I was scrolling through my subscriptions, trying to find something to watch. I came across Cry's latest video and clicked on it. While I was waiting for the video to load, I got a message in my inbox. I checked to find that it was from none other than the Sup Guy himself, Cry.

"Hey, pal. What's up?"

I lightly chuckled. This guy.

"I just got through uploading two new videos and I'm tired as hell. You know, the norm."

Cry and I had been talking for the past few days. We'd become pretty good friends, but we hadn't reached the level of personal stuff.

I saw the new message and opened it.

"I just now saw the two new videos. I'll have to watch them later. Smileyface. As for the 'tired as hell' issue, I'm pretty sure that can be resolved with sleep. So go get some."

I frowned.

"I can't. . . I can't go to sleep. . . I'm afraid to. . ."

He replied awful quickly this time.

"Why? Frownyface."

I sighed heavily. Rubbing my head, I pushed my bangs out of the way.

"Because. . . Ever since I was sixteen, I've had reoccurring nightmares. I thought I had finally gotten rid of them. . . But then last night, they started again. . ."

I felt weird. I'd never told anyone about my nightmares.

It took Cry about ten minutes to respond. When he did, though, he responded with something that took me kind of off guard. He had sent me a message with his user for Skype and told me to Skype him now.

I got on Skype and sent Cry a request. As soon as he accepted it, I voice called him.

"Hey," I heard him say.

I gave a soft chuckle as I thought of something. He must have heard it.

"What's so funny?" He gave a kind of sheepish laugh.

"Oh, nothing. It's just the fact that I'm talking to Cryaotic himself! You know, most girls would have died from a squealing fit right about now, giving the fact that most of them want to undress you and see your face." I joked.

"Oh, be quiet," He chuckled. I knew he had to have rolled his eyes at my comment by his tone.

"Anyways. . So. Nightmares. . . ?"

I looked at my computer screen, staring at Cry's little picture. I had almost forgotten about that. Almost.

"Yeah. . ." I muttered.

"You want to talk about it. . . ?" He asked hesitantly.

I took a moment to think about it. My silence must have worried him.

"You don't have to, you know. I just thought that maybe it'd make you feel better to get it off your chest."

I slightly smiled at the screen, even though I knew he couldn't see me. His intentions were sweet.

"Nah. . . It's fine. I think it would make me feel better. . . Shall I start from the beginning? How they started? It's a kind of long story, just to let you know," I told him.

"Go right ahead. I'm all ears," He said.

I took in a deep breath, then sighed.

"It all began when I was ten. My mom and dad got into some sort of argument. Dad walked out on us: my mom, little sister, and two elder brothers. Mom begged him to stay, but he wouldn't listen to her. I remember standing in the front door as I watched him walk out into the rain with his stuff, get in his truck, and leave. I never saw him again.

When I was thirteen, my oldest brother Willis was in an accident. He was heading home from a party with three of his friends. It was late at night, and there was this guy. He was drunk off his ass and was speeding down the road. He lost control of his car and crashed into Willis and his friends. The car flew off the road, tumbled, and landed in a ditch. His friend who had been driving's neck was broken. His friend sitting behind him had died from his head smashing against the window. Willis got out of the car and drug his friend Owenn out with him. Owenn's neck had been impaled by a glass shard. Willis called 911 but by the time they got there, Owenn had died from blood lose. . . In the arms of Willis. They rushed Willis to the hospital, but he died on the ambulance ride there from blood lose due to a cut on his stomach.

My mom had been devastated. She couldn't believe that the love of her life had walked out on her three years prior only to have her eldest child to die. So, when I was sixteen, she tried killing herself. She stabbed herself in the stomach with a knife from the kitchen. If it hadn't been for Ty walking in on her, she would have bleed to death. Five months later, Ty and I had to drive her to the hospital, my little sister Laurel was in school at the time. Mom seemed sick and hadn't ate in days. The doctor found nothing wrong with her, but kept her just incase. We woke up the next morning to a phone call. It was Mom's doctor. He told us that she had died during the night. He said he couldn't figure out why. He could only guess that, after hearing about all that had happened, she had literally died of a broken heart.

Some time after Mom died, my nightmares started. They're of my mother's and Willis's deaths. They also are of my dad, Ty, and Laurel dying. . . Sometimes it's even of my own death. . . I just couldn't handle living at that house anymore and I was also afraid of living with Laurel and Ty anymore. . . So, I moved out as soon as I turned eighteen. I moved here to Florida and after a while, the nightmares stopped. ."

Cry was silent throughout my whole ramble. He still remained silent now, even.

"Cry. . . ?"

"Wow. . ." He murmured. "Silhouette. . . Man. . . I'm so sorry. It must have been really hard on you. . ."

"Yeah. . . It. . . It really got to me. I always wondered why I had to live such a shitty life." I groaned.

"Do you feel any better after talking about it?"

"Yeah, a bit. I feel as though some sort of weight has been lifted from me."

"Well, that's good." His voice was light, as though he might have been smiling when he said that.

"I feel as if I should share about myself since you told me so much about you."

"It's fine, Cry. Really. You don't have to."

He was silent for a moment. I wondered what he was thinking about.

"Alright. But, hey. I have an offer for you that might cheer you up!" He said suddenly.

"Uhh. . . What is it?"

"How about we play a game together tomorrow?"

I smiled to myself. That did sound like a pretty good offer.

"Okay. Sounds like loads of fun!"

"Great!" He exclaimed enthusiastically.

I laughed at him. I was happy I had finally found a real friend. One that I felt like I could trust.

"Oh, yeah. Silhouette."


"Call me Ryan."

I smiled. I was getting to know the guy that lies beneath the mask.

I Never Saw It Coming {A Cryaotic/ChaoticMonki Fan Fiction} *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now