Chapter One≪ Private Message

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"Jump, you fool! Damnit, Altair!" I spoke into my microphone. I was begining to get royally pissed. I was running from some Templars and I saw a river. I became hopeful, thinking Altair could swim. I ran over to the river and jumped over the edge, into the water. Desynchronization.


I was already at the eighteen minute mark for this video and I was pretty tired considering I had stayed up all night playing and recording Skyrim. I was exhausted and it was only twelve in the afternoon. Man, I should really get a better sleeping schedule.

I paused the game and said, "Well. . . This has been your's truely, Silhouette, playing Assassin's Creed. That's it for this video. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Skyrim. Anyways. . . I need my sleep. So, I'll see you all tomorrow. . . bYEEE!"

I started up some music for the outro and stopped the audio recording. I sighed to myself. I stood up from my couch and headed over towards the stairs. Climbing up the stairwell, I noticed how I kept getting less and less sleep lately. Ever since I became a Let's Player, I've been staying up all hours of the night and hardly sleeping at all. When I do sleep, it's during the day and usually for just about two to three hours if that. I just couldn't sleep.

I walked down the hall and to my room. I flopped down onto my bed and felt some of the tension in my body ease up and leave. My eyelids fluttered, unsure whether or not they wanted to allow me to drift off into the Sandman's domain. My stomach growled, but I would get food later. Sleep was more important right now. After laying there for like five minutes, I finally drifted off.


I pried my eyes open and rolled over in bed. I looked at my clock and saw it was seven minutes past five. So I had gotten about five hours of sleep. That was more than usual. A lot more. My stomach growled and I scrunched my face up, not wanting to move. I slowly slid out of bed and headed downstairs.

I trudged over to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. I wasn't fully awake yet, so that was all I had the energy to make. I went to the livingroom with my bowl of Frosted Flakes and sat down on the couch. I flipped through channel after channel, finding nothing to begin with, before finally finding a movie I liked: The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Spoon after spoon, I munched on my cereal while I watched the misadventures of Jack Skellington. My favorite character has always been Zero. That little ghost dog was always just so adorable to me. I smirked as I watched Sally create the sleeping potion to give to Dr. Finkelstein.

I decided to check YouTube to see if anything was new and to check my channel. I set my bowl down on the coffee table and strolled over to my desk. I logged onto YouTube and went to my channel first off. In just five hours my video of Assassin's Creed had gotten over sixty-thousand views. I smiled to myself, happy my subscribers enjoyed it. I went to the comments and looked at all the positive words my fans had wrote to me.

"Silhouette! I was having a terrible day. My boyfriend broke up with, I failed my math test, and I ended up having to go to the doctor only to find out I have a cold. I was getting depressed, thinking nothing could make me feel better, but then I got onto YouTube and saw that you had upload this video. I watched it and let me tell you, it made my day. It made me smile, laugh, and feel joy and happiness when I thought nothing could go right. I just wanted to thank you. So, yeah. Thanks, Silhouette."

I read that comment. It was one of the top ones with one hundred eighty-four likes. I just took note that I had the widest grin on my face that I'd had in a while. This. It was stuff like this that made me smile, made me feel joy and happiness. It was things like that that made me proud to call myself a YouTuber, a Let's Player.

I had to respond to that.

"Wow. I. . . I don't know what to say honestly. I'm so over-joyed to know that I made your day a shit ton better. I'm sorry your boyfriend broke up with you, but you know what? He doesn't deserve someone like you. To hell with that dickhead! He's not the one for you. There are other marshmallows in the hot chocolate. Yeah, I didn't say fish in the sea. I'm cool. Your special someone is out there waiting for you. You might have met him already, you might have not. You'll find one another some day. Dearest. I hope you get to feeling better soon. HUGS!

With a smile on my face, I posted that comment in response to the girl's. I started humming a song to myself due to my cheery state.

I went and checked my inbox and saw that I had a new message. The message was from someone by the username of ChaoticMonki. The name seemed familiar. I pondered the thought for a moment until I remember that I'd seen quite a few of his videos before. He was pretty popular among the Let's Players. He also had quite the large fandom.

"Hi. I've watched your videos for quite a while now. I finally decided to say hi to you. You have very nice Let's Plays, might I add. I just figured, hey. I'm always up to making new friends, and I do believe that we could get along quite well considering what I've seen out of you through your LPs. So, yeah. Smileyface."

I chuckled. Well then.

"Hello, Cry. I'm flattered by your praise. Thank you. I have watched loads of your videos as well, friend. Uhh. . . I don't know what to say. Well. Hi. Insert awkward/shy face here."

I sent the message, not too awful happy with the fact that it was short. I just didn't know what to say to him. Oh well.

I Never Saw It Coming {A Cryaotic/ChaoticMonki Fan Fiction} *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now