Chapter Two

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I sat in the leaky cauldron eating lunch alone...I did however, eavesdrop on conversations.

"You-Know-Who's biggest supporter-"

"No one has ever escaped before-"

"He's mad, he is, that Sirius Black!"

"He killed thirteen people with one spell! Evil!"

Sirius Black...I have heard that name before...

I thought nothing of it, and walked out into the bright street of Diagon alley and I stood at the end of the street and screamed "LLAMA!" before hiding in a shop and watching people's heads swivel around.

I bought all my school books and finished my essays in the next week. I sent Harry his present, and then suddenly, I was ridiculously bored again.

I had bought new clothes with the money from Harry and I was going to have some sort of seizure from boredom.

I was so bored, that my mind was irritating me.



I was about to head back up to my room from dinner when I overheard snippets of a conversation.

"Harry Potter...Ran away...Black..."

I pieced it all together.

Okay, Harry ran away and turned black.


Okay, listen in again.

"Missing? He'll be alright Minister-"


I walked nervously over.

"Harry is missing?" I said quietly to fudge and the leaky cauldron's owner...I think him name was Tom.

"You know anything about it?" fudge said quickly.

"No, sorry, but he's my best friend from school."

"Oh," he said slightly disappointed.

"May I enquire about what has happened?"I said sounding stupidly posh.

"Err-"Fudge said looking at me uncertainly.

"If I am intruding, just tell me, I'll go." I said with my epic acting skills, fluttering my eyelashes and looking earnestly sorry.

"Oh- no, it's alright" the minister said. Gosh, I can fool the minister of magic, I can do anything! "He blew up his aunt, and ran away."

"Harry's in trouble...must be Friday..." I uttered.

"If you're his best friend, do you know what he would be doing?" Fudge asked.

"If I were Harry-"I said slowly. "I would be worried about using magic...I would think I would get arrested or something...and I would be coming here, to Gringotts to get all of my money..." Fudge looked at me ludicrously. "But I might be wrong" I added hastily.

Fudge looked worried and I said, "I'm gonna wait out front..."

"It's not safe out there!" he said loudly. "I'll go with you."

Great, stalked by the minister of magic.

"You know," he said once we stood on the curb of the Muggle Street. "I haven't been polite enough to ask your name."

"I'm Willow," I said with a small smile.

"Surname?" he asked

"Don't have one, I was disowned..." I said not even caring about it anymore.

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