Chapter 7

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(2 Days Later)

Liams POV:

Today we are going to my favorite place Disney World. The park we pick to go to is Hollywood Studios its going to be closed for the whole day just for us. ’‘Liam where is my favorite shirt?” Harry said looking though his suitcase. “I think its getting washed I put some clothes in there about an hour ago.” He sighed and put on his black Hipster Please shirt on and walked out leaving me alone.

I walk out to the kitchen where everyone was eating breakfast. “GoodMorning Everyone. How are you today Kenzie?” “I'm great.” I'm glad she's okay we have came really close to Tierney and Kenzie there like our little sisters. I looked over at my girlfriend she looked fit today I walked over to her.

“Hayy Baby.” She giggled and hugged me. Today I was feeling horny I don’t know what was wrong with me. I winked at her and sat down to eat a blueberry muffin Kenzie made she was a really good baker. “Kenzie you can bake really good.” “Thank Ya Mr.Payne.” We crack up.

“Well what are we waiting for let’s get this day on.’’ I said standing up. We cheered and Jumped in the van we rented and drove off. It was 10:00.

“I hope he buys you flowers

I hope he holds your hand

Give you all his hours

When he has the chance

Take you to every party

Cause I remember how much you loved to dance

Do all the things I should have done

When I was your man

Do all the things I should have done

When I was your man”

It got all quit “Kenzie was that really you?” She looked at Harry with shocking eye like she had done something wrong. “Was it that bad?” We busted out laughing. “No are you crazy it was amazing.” Eleanor laughed. You could tell Niall was falling more and more in love as the minutes. “Well Thank you guys, I didn’t think I was that good.”

I got on twitter “Going to Disney with my gang! @Harry_Styles, @NiallOfficial , @Louis_Tomlinson, @ZaynMalik ,@DaniellePeazer @KenzieIzDaRealNiqqa , @TierneyRollingInDaDeep , @EleanorJCalder ,@TheRealAmber. “Liam you are killing my follower list just got over 2000 follows in like 5 minutes.” Kenzie chirped

We Pulled in the Walt Disney World gates. “AHH yay we are here.” I cheered. They whole grouped laughed at me. ‘‘What are going to ride first Tower of Terror or Rockin Roll Roller Coster?” We all deiced to go to Tower Of Terror. We rode it at least one hour before we stopped.

Amber  POV:

“We have been riding this ride forever can we ride something else?” Zayn complained “Yes sweet tang.” Tierney Kissed him. I Kinda feel bad about Kenzie. Why would I say that?

“Amber are you coming?’’ I snapped back to Reality Harry was holding out his hand for me to follow. “Oh, yeah I was thinking about something.” He laughed and drugged me to the rest of the gang.

“Hey! Guys lets split up.” Liam smiled “Why not that will give everyone time to have alone time.” Tierney said while smiling at Zayn. “Let do it.” I joined in with a smile. Kenzie looked at me like she was shocked I said it I smiled at her. We all went different ways Harry put his Arm around my waist I kind felt good inside what was happening?

“What do you want to ride?” Harry chirped. I had never been to Disney. “What is there here?” I wondered. “There is a lot there is the Movie Ride we can go there.” I agreed and we raced to the place he beat me. For once I was  really starting to like him

Will love be forever? (Niall love story)Where stories live. Discover now