Chapter 2

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Tierney POV :

I woke up with Zayn arm around me I felt perfect like nothing in world mattered except this moment right now. I look at the clock on the wall 9:30 “Shit!” I whispered. I had to get to work at 10:30. I tried waking up Zayn but he just turned over and grumbled something. I didn’t have a car to Drive because we drove Kenzie car here.

I got up and walked out the room. I had no idea where Kenzie was her and Niall was up stairs in Niall’s room and I finely reached his room. I walk in and there was the two them hugging each other fast asleep. It was presh I took my phone out and took a picture “She will thank me for this.” I thought to myself. I tired finding her bag to get the keys but I couldn’t find it. I was about to do something that you should never do and that is wake Kenzie up. I quietly taped on her shoulder  her eyes cracked out “What do you want?” I could tell this wasn’t going to be pretty. “I need to get to work can I drive your car. You don’t have to get up you just need to tell me where the keys are and I will get them.” I whispered “Ugh okay I left them down stairs by the pool.” and she fell asleep.

I started my way back to the bedroom to tell Zayn I had to go. I opened the door and he was gone  “He must of went looking for me.” I tired finding him. I tired finding the pool it took me forever I found the bag and got the keys.”I guess I will just see him tonight.” I start to the car and I heard something in the bush then I was blinded by a bunch of flashing I started running to Kenzie car “Shit where are the keys.” I must of dropped them I turned to run back and look but I was in circle of paparazzi. I finally got the keys and drove off it was 10:03.

I got home and ran to the shower I took a fast one . While I was putting my hair in a bun I look at my phone 10 calls for Zayn. Ring Ring Ring “Hello.” In his sexy morning voice “Zayn I'm sooo sorry I had to go to work and you was asleep and I didn’t want to wake you up.”  “It alright just get ready so you wont be late.” “Bye Zayn see you later” “Bye Love.”

I finish putting my make-up on and ran outside the door. I drove my car I worked Nando's I loved it there I have worked here for a month My boss was the best.

Niall POV:

I turned over to the clock 11:30 Kenzie arm was on top of my shoulder I felt her rise up and I turned to see a beautiful girl I get to call mine I'm so lucky. “Good Morning Baby.” I said brushing her hair out of her eyes. “Morning.” and she gave and sweet kiss on the lips. She laid her hand back down on my chest I didn’t have a shirt on. “Are you hungry?” “No I just wanna stay here with you.” she giggled. Damn she is perfect.

I heard a slight knock on the door I figured it was Tierney and Zayn but it was just Zayn with messy hair and boxers. “Dude where is “Tierney?’ “Um she has to go to work.”  “Awh Zayn, do you wanna join our snuggle group?’’ Kenzie said Patting the bed. “No I was just seeing if you two was awake I will just go take a shower and get me some food and wait for her to get back.”and he was out of the room. It got quite .

“Hey you never told me are the boys coming to our house tonight for the dinner?” “Oh, yeah sorry they said they will be at my house at 4:30 and we would go to your house is that okay?” “Well the thing is Tierney won’t be home till 4:30 and she got to take a shower and start fixing the food.” I thought about I guess this would be the perfect time to hang out with just the boy since three weeks ago. “We will be there about 6:30 does that work? “Yes.”

Kenzie POV:

Ring Ring Ring That was my phone “Hello?” “Hey Kenzie its Todd” That's my boss. “Hello Sir do you need something?” “Yes, Shailyn had to go home and we need you to come till 5 because we don’t have nobody.” Ugh “Okay Sir i will be there in an hour.” “Thank you and I'm sorry for this.” I hope Niall don’t get mad at me. “Niall I got to go to work I'm sorry it just nobody is working and they need me.” “Its okay I will drive you home.”'

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