Chapter 1

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Kenzie POV

"Tierney come on we are going to be late for our date" I screamed from across the house. ''I'm almost ready let me finish my hair.'' she yelled back. We was going out to eat with Niall and Zayn.

Niall and I was dating but Zayn and Tierney was just friend for now that is. "Okay, im done." Tierney said walking into my room. "Kenzie, this room is terrible!" Tierney said with a nasty look! "I know I know. But I don't have time to clean it now so lets get going." We rode in my yellow mini cooper. "Tierney tomorrow do you want to go get our nails done?'' I asked.  "Sure I will have to make an appointment for us after when get back from our date." She said in her fake British accent. "Okay we are here this is exciting!" I said in a happy voice. "Kenzie Tierney over her!" Niall yelled.

"Niall, you look lovely." I said giving him a hug. "You do to babe." He kissed me softly on my  lips. "Tierney looking good in that dress" Zayn said with a winked "Awh Thank you Zayn" She Said blushing. "What would you like to drink" The waiter said. " Water with lemon for me" I said nicely. The rest ordered Ice Tea. "So, Kenzie do you want to come over to my house tonight." Niall said winking. I blushed "Of course are we watching that new movie you got?'' ''Yes!” Niall said proudly.

The waiter was come with our drink and I still haven't picked what I wanted I have never ate her before. "What would you like to eat Miss?'' She said with her British voice. "I would like to try the lamb chop." I didn't't pay attention what the others got. "Zayn, want to go to come over since Kenzie going to Nialls house?" She said with puppy dog eyes. "Oh, you know I can't  say no to puppy dog eyes!" Zayn said with a laugh. "I know thats why I did it." Tierney said kissing him on the cheek. "Why don't you guys just date?'' Niall said with the cutest look ever. "I told you we want to take it slow." Zayn and Tierney said together. I loved holding hands with Niall and so I looked at him he was to busy waiting for food like normal. So I grab his hand my belly did a flip. Niall look down at our hands and look at me smile and kissed my forehead. I was going crazy inside. "She wants The D!'' Zayn said laughing. "Zayn shhhh leave her alone" Tierney said laughing. "Yeah Zayn leave me alone before I hurt you.'' As I shoot him a dirty look. "Oh im so scared whats a 90 pound girl going to do? Sit on me?”

“Yes , I will sit on you” I said proudly. We all laughed. “Here comes the food” Niall look like a kid on Christmas getting everything he wanted.

He let go of my hand and started shoving the food all in his mouth like he hasn’t ate in years. “Niall, you going to make yourself sick if you don’t slow down.” I said in caring voice.

“I will be fine.”

About 10 minutes later we was all stuffed. “So you guys ready to go?” I said getting up. I laid down four dollars on the table for a tips. “Nope, what I did tell you last time me and Niall got it.” He said throwing back my money.

“Fine, one day we will pay” Tierney rolling her eyes.

“Tierney, you and Zayn can drive my car back to our house since I'm going with Niall.” I said throwing my keys to Tierney. “Okay, well what time is it?” Tierney asked. “Um, about 8:30.” Zayn said looking at his phone.” “Why don’t we do this, Kenzie stays at my house tonight and you stay with Tierney since it already Night time?” “Works with me.” Zayn said. We all agreed.

Niall car was nice he had a black Range Rover. I had a Mini Cooper is was so tiny compared to his. “So babe what do you want to do tonight?’’ Niall asked. “I guess we are watching that movie.” Loved being out of school and he didn’t have tour this time of year he just got done with his 2013 tour we have six months for us to do stuff.

We pulled in his house. His house is so big I still haven’t seen all of it. We meet about 3 months ago at his concert I went to. “I wanna go swimming” I hoped out of the car saying. “But you don’t have a bathing suit.” That was true. “So, can I use some of your old clothes?” I said begging. “Sure honey.” Honey when did he start saying that? Oh well.

We walked into his house it smelled so clean. “Your house smell cleaner the it normally does.” I said smelling. “Ah, I got a maid.’’ Dang I bet that took years. Saying to myself. “Lets go to my room and get dressed to go swimming.” Niall said running. “Okay.”

Niall had a inside pool and outside. I wanted to stay inside since it was 9 o’clock at night. “NIALL NO!!” I scream trying to wiggly out of his hands. But it was to late he already throw me in. The water was

warm I thought it was going to be cold. After that he jumped in after on top of me. “Niall, why did you do that for?” I laughed. “Because I know you, you won’t just jump in you take for ever to get in.” As he swam away. “Niall you should come to mine and Tierney house tomorrow. We are planing cooking a big dinner for you guys and we want to finely hang out with the other boys. “Okay  I will have to call them hold on be right back.” As he got out of the pool.

I stood there in the pool thinking about what it be like to hang with the biggest band in the world I mean I  know me and Niall have been dating for 3 weeks and I still haven't met them. He was gone for ten minutes and still hadn't came back. I got out and walked into the house I was so cold. I had no idea where he could be his house is like a maze. I remember where his kitchen was so I went there. He wasn’t there I made my way to his room and he was laying on his bed in a towel.

“Niall James Horan! What are you doing?” I said with a mean look being funny. “Sorry I didn’t feel like going back.” He said with a laugh. He looked so hot it turned me on. I decided to jump on top of him. “INCOMING.” And I landed on top of him. He let out a grunt and put his arms around me. I felt his abs they felt so good I felt perfect and his warm breath on my checks was unbelievable.“So are you really to get undress and put warm clothes on and watch the movie?” Niall said getting up. “Um, yeah.” I didn’t want to get up but oh well. “I laid the Clothes in the bathroom.” Niall said walking into his walk-in closet closing the door behind him.

I walked into his bathroom my jaw dropped to the floor. This bathroom was beautiful and huge. I put the clothes on and sat on the bed. I wanted into his closet I pecked in and I saw Niall’s ass I quickly close the door and ran back to the bed. My heart was beating a mile a minute. Niall open the door and walk to me. I smiled hoping he didn’t notice I saw is booty.

“Lets go to my movie room.” Holding out his hand out for me. “You have a damn movie room?” I screamed. Wow I wanna live her forever with him. It took like 3 mixtures to get there.”Omg you got to have every movie made.’’  I walked over to Romance movies “Safe Haven.” I said proudly. “Okay its your chose.”

Niall put the DVD in and a hit a button and a red heart shaped bed came out of the wall. I got admit I felt light headed from the amazement.”Wow.” That's all I could say. “Let go watch the movie.” Niall said jumping onto the bed. I sat down next to him he clap his hand and the light turned off. I loved this.

About half way through the movie Niall started taking his pants off I turn my head like I wasn’t looking like I noticed anything but I look with the Conner of my eye. He was holding my hand so he took it and laid it near his junk. My hands was getting sweaty I didn't't really want to get it on just because I did’t want to mess anything up between us. He turned my head and kisses me slowly on the lips it turned into a 5 minute kiss. He slipped his hand up my shirt and chills ran up my back.

He sat me on top of him and we started kissing again. Maybe five minutes later I heard in a male voice say GET IT! My body went stiff and my eyes widen we turned around to see it was Tierney and Zayn my face was blood red. “What the Hell are you doing here?” Niall said In a pissed voice. “No no the question is what the hell are you two doing?” Zayn laughed. I was embarrassed caught on top of Niall in front of my bestfriend and her “Boyfriend’’. “We was kissing duh.” I said proudly. “Yeah right.” Zayn said still laughing “Why are you guys here?” Niall said still in a pissed mood. “We got bored and We was seeing what you two was doing.” Tierney said sitting on the bed. “I'm Tired can we go to bed?” I said yawning “Sure” Everyone said.

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