William Price

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When William Price met Joyce at a young age the two became romantically involved. In June of 1993, they conceived their first and only child, Chloe. Prior to her birth, William and a pregnant Joyce visited San Francisco. Chloe was later born in March 11, 1994 and raised in Arcadia Bay. In 1999 they bought their daughter a kitten named Bongo.[1]

At some point, Chloe met Max Caulfield, an Arcadia Bay local. William entertained Chloe and Max when they were kids, preparing outdoor meals on the grill in their backyard and William also built Chloe and Max a swing in the backyard for them to play on. William had a good rapport with Max, who shared his interest in photography and instant cameras. The two often raced to grab the first of Joyce's pancakes. Joyce and William implemented a system wherein if either of them swore around Chloe, they would donate a dollar to the "swear jar".


In 2008, Chloe's cat, Bongo, was killed by a passing vehicle. Prior to William's death that same year, he was given a promotion at his job. He was congratulated by his wife, who intended to make him a special meal. While she was out working at the Two Whales Diner, William was at home with Chloe and Max when they received a phone call from Joyce. She asked William to pick her up so she could go grocery shopping. William left Chloe and Max at the house to pick Joyce up from the diner and was killed in a car accident. Chloe and Joyce were devastated by the loss. Shortly after his death, Max and her family departed to Seattle.


Five years since William's death, Chloe reunites with Max. Speaking with Max on the way to the Price household, Chloe mentions how hard her father's death was on her. With Max gone she felt alone and abandoned until she met Rachel Amber.[1]

When Max looks through Chloe's room she finds two photographs of Chloe and William, one with them hugging and the caption "me + daddy" with a heart drawn next to it, the other featured Chloe and William in their backyard with Bongo. Looking at the photographs, Max remembers that Chloe and William were close.[1]

When Max looks through Joyce and David Madsen's bedroom she finds the photograph of a younger Joyce and William in the drawer of Joyce's bedside table, where Joyce had set up a shrine to William. The photo was taken during their vacation to San Francisco when Joyce was pregnant with Chloe. Written on the photograph was, "SF Holidays with William (and Chloe)". Joyce and William were kissing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

When Max's attempt to fix her damaged Polaroid camera fails, Chloe gives her the camera that belonged to William. While Max is uncomfortable with taking it, Chloe insists that she have it, knowing her father would be upset if she never used it.

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