Frank Bowers

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Frank Bowers, contains plot and/or ending details of Life is Strange and its related media. Proceed at your own discretion.


Frank Bowers is a local drug dealer in Arcadia Bay with a reputation among the Arcadia Bay Police Department as trouble. Frank once bet on dog fights, but had a change of heart somewhere down the road and rescued them.[1] Following the rescue of the dogs, he kept one for his own and named him "Pompidou". While he has a stable job, he used drugs to make money on the side off of the students at Blackwell Academy, likeNathan Prescott, to support himself and Pompidou.[1]

At some point he came to know Chloe Price and Rachel Amber. Chloe and Frank became friends and hung out at times. She began using recreational drugs she bought from him and in turn, Frank taught Chloe how to pick locks. Unbeknownst to Chloe, however, Frank eventually began a relationship with Rachel Amber. The two met often during the time Rachel's attendance at Blackwell began to drop.

Frank took photos of Rachel with her consent and allowed her to drive his RV at one point. Despite the mutual affection for each other, the two argued, however, only Rachel was willing admit when she was at fault. Frank blamed his drug use for his behavior.[1]

When Chloe Price was searching for a way to raise money quick enough to get her and Rachel Amber out of Arcadia Bay and to Los Angeles, Frank was her primary source of revenue. She sold and bought drugs from Frank as a way to make money. Eventually, however, she borrowed enough money from him that it landed her in debt with Frank. According to Chloe, she owes Frank "three grand, plus interest".[3]


When Max Caulfield goes to meet Warren Graham in the Blackwell Academy Parking Lot, she notices an RV sitting the across from a truck parked sideways from a poorly parked truck she would later recognize as Chloe's.

Examining the dirty windows, Max decided it was "begging for her finger" and drew a doodle in the dust that she takes a picture of before heading off to meet Warren. At the end of the day, snow begins to fall. Frank leaves his RV, holding a bong in one hand, to yell at Pompidou who was barking at the snow falling around them. Frank eventually takes notice of the snowfall himself.[3]

"Out of Time"

When Max arrives at the Two Whales Diner, the RV she saw on the Blackwell Academy parking lot is parked in the parking lot next to the diner. When she attempts to approach Frank, asleep in the chair, she is chased off by Pompidou when it begins to bark at her. Irritated, Frank tells the dog to stop barking before falling asleep again. Optionally, after speaking with the homeless woman, Max heads down the alley and take a picture of the dog from behind a gate.

Inside the diner, the Cop Max speaks with warns her to stay away from the RV and that Frank was a "sketchy character". When Frank wakes up, Max and Chloe are leaving the diner and heading for the junkyard. Frank watches them approach the car from a distance.

Following Max's collapse from over exerting herself with her rewind ability, Frank decides to investigate the gunshots he heard. He finds the girls in the middle of a conversation, and interrupts, calling them "Thelma and Louise" and "Bonnie and Clyde". Chloe attempts to dismiss his mocking, but he continues to patronize them and compares himself to Chloe. Chloe, who takes offense at the comparison, claiming they're nothing alike. Frank reminds her, however, that they both need money and that she owes him.

Though Chloe assures him that she'll pay him back, Frank doesn't believe her. His attention is immediately drawn toward Max, who is hiding David Madsen's gun behind her back. He approaches her and asks what she's hiding, but Chloe interjects and demands to know where he got the blue bracelet on his right wrist.

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