Rachel Amber missing girl

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Rachel Dawn Amber (born July 22, 1995) was a student who attended Blackwell Academy. She went missing on Monday, April 22, 2013. She and Chloe Price were both close and dreamt of leaving Arcadia Bay together.

Personality and Physical Appearance

There are mixed opinions about Rachel's personality. She is generally considered as popular, nice, but rebellious. Joyce fondly calls her a "hell-raiser", while Chloe refers to her as her "angel". She seems to have a caring personality, as she is well loved by those close to her. Rachel also seems to be more girly and idealistic than Chloe, reflected by her love of makeup and ambition to become a model. There are however rumors of Rachel being sexually promiscuous. Rachel is 5'5" and weighs 110lbs (165 cm and 49.90 kilo). She has blonde hair and hazel eyes, and two tattoos; a dragon on her calf, and a star on the inside of her left wrist. We know this because of the Missing Person posters found around Arcadia Bay, created by Chloe.

campus. By talking to the students around the Blackwell campus, Max can find out tidbits of information about Rachel.

Upon speaking to Stella about Rachel, we hear that there is a rumor about her sleeping with her art teacher, Mark Jefferson. Whether this is true or not is up to speculation.

By speaking to Samuel, we discover that Rachel's ambitions to be a model are clear, with her handing out headshots to anybody who asked; even if they didn't.

Daniel reveals that his muse was Rachel, emphasizing her love of being drawn, photographed and being in the spotlight.

When we later search Chloe's room for the CD, we can see that she obviously had a close relationship with Rachel. In her lock-box by the bed, we discover the original photograph from the Missing Person poster; originally a shot of the two girls together. Chloe is responsible for creating and putting up the posters, if you look around Chloe's room you can find a postcard from Rachel it is unknown if this is written by Rachel or a cover-up.

She tells Max that Rachel's parents have given up hope looking for her, choosing to believe she just moved away, rather than face the unknown. Chloe reveals that they had planned to gather enough funds to move to Los Angeles together, to start a new life. Chloe believes Rachel is still out there, and never would have left Arcadia without her.

Rachel Amber is the friend of Chloe Price and a popular girl at Blackwell Academy. Six months prior to October 2013, she disappeared after meeting someone who "changed her life". Chloe began searching for her when she did not return.

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