strange people

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Nathaniel Joshua Prescott (born August 29, 1994) is a student at Blackwell Academy. Nathan's family is rich and influential-- owning most of the town of Arcadia Bay, including Blackwell's dormitories named thePrescott Dormitory. The Prescotts also heavily fund the Academy itself. Nathan is the secondary antagonist of Life is Strange.

Nathan is associated with selling drugs at Blackwell. It is consistently implied that he has mental issues and is in therapy.

Nathan is outwardly spoiled and rich, and acts in the manner of an archetypical brat. Nathan is often seen using his family's influence to escape any responsibility for his cruel actions, and, because of this, holds himself above the law. He seems to lack empathy for others and shows no regard for the suffering of those he deems a threat to his authority. He also appears to enjoy "tortured subjects" as Max states in Episode 4: Dark Room as she explores his room.

Nathan is hypothesized to be mentally unstable and takes various medications in an attempt to stay lucid, as suggested by the pills founds both in Nathan's room in "Dark Room", and in his locker in the Blackwell Swimming Pool, which can be toured by Max and Chloe in Episode 3: Chaos Theory.

It is suggested that Nathan may suffer from anxiety, muscle spasms, and perhaps alcohol withdrawal, as well as bipolar disorder and/or schizophrenia due to the medications found in his locker during "Chaos Theory".


The following is what Max wrote about Nathan in her journal:
Just when I thought Victoria Chase would be the worst of my social problems, now I have to deal with Dickbagtheasshole. But I guess he was the one who triggered my crazy rewind power by shooting that girl in the bathroom. He's 19 and already a scary fucking prick.

I guess I have a little advantage on Nathan by being able to manipulate time, but if he shoots me I may not be able to reverse anything. I have to be careful around him, especially since he's obviously got friends in high places as his family last name is practically branded on every building here at Blackwell. His money against mine...

On one hand, I do kinda feel bad for Nathan because he doesn't seem to be in control, like he's doped up or over medicated. On the other, he's an asshole who nobody has called out. And he almost killed (/did kill?) a girl on campus. Should I go straight to the police? What do I say about my rewind power? Like I'd say anything. I just have to watch my own back from now on. Oh, school days!


The Prescott family supplies substantial funding to Blackwell Academy. They are also responsible for a new development called "Pan Estates" that is scheduled to be built in Arcadia Bay.[1]

Nathan is presumed to be the youngest son in the Prescott family and has a record of being violent and rude, which is implied to be due to his family background and the pressures placed upon him by his parents (specifically his father, Sean Prescott), in order to keep the Prescott reputation intact.[2]

Letters can be found sent from Nathan's father regarding Nathan's unruly behavior in school. However, Nathan's father seems to be willingly disconnected from his son and his son's mental health, and instead pacifies Nathan's outbursts with threats to the school and its financial support given by the Prescotts.

Episode 1: Chrysalis

In his first appearance, Nathan walks into the girls bathroom and begins talking to himself, visibly stressed. After staring into mirror and giving himself a pep-talk, a blue-haired girl enters and begins to demand money from him. Nathan is quick to respond that the money is not his, stating that it belongs to his family. The blue-haired girl, unconvinced by Nathan's reply, threatens to expose his drug dealing to his family and his mental instability to "everybody". This prompts Nathan to pull out a gun, startling the girl, which leads Nathan to push her into the wall while he holds the gun at waist level. Nathan then rants about how he is "sick" of others "trying to control" him. It is then that the girl pushes Nathan away and the gun is fired and the girl dies (it is unknown whether if this is by accident).

However, Max reverses time to before the girl is shot, and, as the situation is replayed, is able to save the girl by setting off the fire alarm which in turn, gives the girl a chance to escape before the gunshot. Although, if the player fails to set the fire alarm off, Nathan can be seen kneeling down, cursing, and shaking the girl, regretful of his decision.

After Max successfully saves the girl, Nathan slips on Max's torn photo while trying to stand before grabbing his gun and exiting. When Max leaves the bathroom, she is interrupted by the security guard, David Madsen, and then Principal Wells, who she can then Tell on Nathan about the gun, or Hide the Truth.

Regardless of Max's choice, Nathan will confront Max in the parking lot demanding to know what she told the Principal and/or what she saw in the bathroom depending on the decision made with Wells. Similarly, depending on the dialogue chosen, Nathan will say different things. Ultimately, no matter what statement chosen, Nathan will become offended and say, "Do not analyze me! I pay people for that." implying that he is in therapy.

Warren intervenes the confrontation and Nathan headbutts him to the ground. Max reaches to pull Nathan away from Warren which only results in Nathan grabbing Max by her neck and exclaiming, "Nobody tells me what to do. Not my parents, not the Principal, or that whore in the bathroom."

The girl Max saved in the bathroom suddenly pulls up in a truck and Max instantly recognizes her as her best friend, Chloe. Warren then pushes Nathan to the ground to stop him from attacking Max and Chloe and is beaten for it. Nathan can briefly be seen punching Warren in the face repeatedly before Max jumps into Chloe's car just as Nathan kicks the door closed, letting the two escape. David Madsen then runs up to Nathan and Warren to stop the fight.

- The son of the Prescott family, Nathan attempts to kill Chloe after she threatens to expose his drug dealing to his parents.

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