Some people are worse than drugs

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"How are you feeling?" Laci asks as we join the growing crowd walking towards the boy's dorms.

"Good, I think we're gonna have a good night." I smile back at her genuinely, god knows we need one.
The common room is packed, yet again, we arrive just as things are heating up and the chatter drowns any second thoughts I have as we get handed a shot each.

"What's in this?" I sniff it with apprehension, smells like apples, which makes my stomach sink. I wonder if I'll ever be able to look at an apple again without thinking of him.
"No idea, wait." Laci examines the clear glass, "Yeah, tequila." She wrinkles her nose, placing it on the nearest table. I go to take a sip of mine, but she stops me with her hand, "Be careful, seriously."

I halt, but hold onto the glass, suddenly Tiger appears beside me.
"Hey, Parker! Have you been avoiding me?" She looks like she's already a little buzzed.

"Of course not." I return flatly, she doesn't notice.

"Thank god." She giggles, Laci raises a brow at me. "Here, try this." She hands me a clear liquid and I skull it, before collapsing in a coughing fit, it scalds my throat.

"Don't be such a baby." Tiger grins, Laci just stares in horror. "It's only vodka." Christ, maybe if vodka hooked up with five other vodkas and created a baby vodka/dragon somehow. "Oh excuse me, I have to talk to someone." She flips her hair, and then she's gone.
"She's always a riot." Laci watches her go, a faint smirk reflecting her amusement. "Oh look at Evan!" She chuckles, pointing across the room to him, where he is making out with a girl, I squint, before realizing that she's Clara, the girl who let's me copy her notes in maths class, she's lovely, and has the prettiest red hair, my heart swells with pride, I knew she had a thing for him.
"Good for her." I smile, being completely genuine. Laci nods in agreement.

"Levi's here, can I call him over?" She asks pleadingly, I roll my eyes and nod, flinching as she screams his name over the pounding music. Levi leaves his group of friends and walks over.

"Hey, ladies." He winks stupidly. "Wow, look at Tiger." He cranes his neck to look behind me, and we all turn around. "Wait. No, don't look at Tiger."
Too late. Levi grimaces, knowing I'll hate what I see. He's not wrong. There she is, with Dylan. Who else? She's laughing at something he must have said. "Sorry, I didn't know it was him at first." Levi mumbles apologetically, but I don't blame him, Dylan looks like a different person, his once shaggy, out of control hair, is now tamed, his shoes are clean, his jeans rip-less. He doesn't even have a drink in his hand. It's confronting.

"Tiger's done a good job with him." I comment quietly. No one tries to change the subject, they know it's hopeless, so we watch in silence. Then suddenly, Tiger leans into him, closer, closer, then her blood red lips are on his. Laci gasps, twisting my arm so I'm forced to look away.

Laci and Levi look at each other mutely, gesturing frantically between themselves. "Let's go." Laci whispers, placing a hand on my back and leading me outside.

Once we we escape the stuffy room into the night air, I freeze. "No. We're staying."

"Are you sure?..." Levi shoots Laci a confused look.
"Yes. I came for a good time, and that's what I'll get." I say with determination.
"Margs." He catches my arm, "You know Tiger, to her a kiss is just that, a kiss. It means nothing. Plus, she looks pretty drunk." Laci nods along like a bobble head toy.
I roll my eyes at them both, "Nice theories, now, back to the action, I need a drink." I march back inside, leaving them to run after me.
Soon as I'm inside I retrieve that shot I forgot to take. Tiger approaches and I take it fast as I can, hoping it'll work soon.

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