Learn your place

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Dedicated to my gorgeous friend Nat natootsie, for creating the beautiful trailer even though she's busy af. Check out her new book: "Actions Speak Louder Than Words." and give her a follow, she's lovely and deserves so much recognition for her work. You can watch the trailer above as well as a random gif ^^^

"I like your cuff-links, very... Creative."
Evan tilts his head at my comment, then considers himself in the mirror.
"No. You're right. They won't do." He pulls them off his sleeves. "I'll be right back." He disappears in his closet and I outwardly groan.
"Evan, please, they're fine!" I flop down on an armchair, I should have kept my mouth shut.
"I'll only be a second!" He shuffles around in there and I slouch further down in my seat. He's on his way to a premiere with his Dad for his new movie, "Zombie Fish Politicians in Space." if I'm correct. Something along those lines anyway.
"You sure you don't want to come?" He pops his head out to look at me, and I shake my head.

"I'm sure, not really my scene."

Evan makes a sort of snort, "You don't have many scenes, do you?"

"No, not really, but that means I do my homework."
"I do my homework!" He protests, finally emerging, and I must say, he looks freaking amazing. The suit is tailored to perfection, he must get all his clothes handmade. He has a little gel in his hair and his Rolex glints at me. "What's wrong? Should I change?"

"No!" I blurt, he's gonna be late. "You look great, very 'James Bond" I stand, collecting my stuff so we can leave.

"You think? I suppose we'd better go." He pulls on his shoes and I hop around in frustration, opening the door and shooing him out.

"I'll see you later, have fun." I lightly kiss his cheek and turn to leave, when he catches my hand.

"We're going the same direction anyway, walk with me?" He looks at me pleadingly, when I remember he needs to pick up his sister on the way, poor guy.
I sigh before agreeing and drag him on his way.

We reach the garage and there she is, Ingrid. "This is where I leave you." I chuckle in my anxiety, desperate to escape her cold stare. Evan turns me back around, planting a kiss on my lips, but all I can think of is her, watching us with disgust. I pull away when I get the chance and sure enough, she's watching mutely.

"I better go." He grins at me, before turning to his sister. "Ingrid, you ready?"
She smiles back at him sweetly, "Actually, I'd like a word with Margaret, if you don't mind."
He looks at her quizzically, "But we need to..."
"I know." She snaps, "It won't be a minute. Wait outside."
Evan looks at me apologetically before leaving.

She waits until the door slams after him before turning to me with rage in her eyes. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
Oh dear, sweet, Ingrid, if only I knew. "What?" I furrow my brow at her.
"What?" She mocks my voice, "You heard me. My brother."
I roll my eyes at her, so that's what she's so pissed off about. "What about him?"
"Stay away from him, he's too good for you." She stalks closer, and I end up backed against a car.
"What is your crazy obsession with me?" I ask her, she glares at me.
"Are you stupid? You don't belong here, you haven't earned it. You're just some filthy freeloader, people like you are killing this country." She spits.
"What? People who don't make over six figures annually?" I'm aghast, do people seriously think like this?
"I'm sure you're too dumb to understand this, but society has unspoken rules, and one of those is that the upper and lower class do not mix. For their own good. How'd it work out for Jane Eyre?"
I frown at her, "They got married?" At least I think that's what happened?
"Whatever!" She cuts me off. "People like him shouldn't be with people like, you." Her words drip with venom, and I should be terrified, she towers over me in her giant stilettos, and her icy blue eyes are framed with sharp eyeliner. But I'm not, maybe I'm just too shocked by her outburst of elitism.
"He doesn't seem to be complaining." I smirk, and she just blinks at me, probably wondering why I'm not crying.
"Well, he wasn't complaining when he got bashed up because of you either!"

"Hey, at least I didn't beat him up myself!" I chuckle, man, I need to learn how to properly deal with confrontation. She turns away, and for a split second, I try to imagine how it feels to have your brother go after a girl totally wrong for him, and ignore your warnings. There's a twinge of empathy in my chest, because I'd probably act the same if it was Levi, although I wouldn't interfere, just quietly stew, waiting for my chance to say; "Told you so!"

"Listen." I move in front of her, voice softer. "I get it, you're just looking out for him, I'd be the same. But we can't interfere in the lives of people we love, it's not right. We need to let them make their own mistakes, no matter how much we want to protect them." I reach out to touch her slim shoulder, then think the better of it.
"No, you don't. At all." She whispers. Just when I think Ingrid might show some vulnerability, Laci rocks up, having just returned from town. She walks toward us and frowns, sensing the tension, she stands beside me, silently backing me up. Ingrid immediately freezes over again and shoves past me.
She flips her hair, staring me down with the same hateful glare as before. "You need to learn your place, or make no mistake, I'll put you in it myself." With that she swishes off. I watch her in shock but Laci is fuming.
"Yeah well, at least our shirts cover our breasts!" She shouts pointlessly after her. "What a bitch! Who does she think she is?" She stomps around, flailing her arms.

I giggle, "It's fine, Laci, don't worry about it, really."

"No!" She shouts, "It's not okay! How can you let her talk to you that way? God, I could slap her!"

"Go ahead, I doubt you'll survive."
She seems to calm a little. "What did she want, anyhow?" I wrap an arm around her shoulder leading her out the back way.
"Nothing, it's no big deal. Let's just go back to mine. Tiger's out I think." It's only when we leave the garage that I remember, Jane Eyre did in fact marry Mr. Rochester, but not before his house and money were burned to the ground and he was maimed, leaving him blind.

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