The Zipper (HTBS)

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To start off, my cowriter and I would like to send a very, very large thank you to ShadieTree. She's an amazing author who's talents always blow us away, just like her kindness. In honor of one of our favorite characters in her amazing story How To Be Straight (HTBS) we are creating our very first one shot based on Mike! So, with that, everyone should know that neither of us own Mike, his personality, or anything else. That is completely owned by ShadieTree. Nonetheless, give her stories a read, vote, and a comment telling her we sent you guys there! Enjoy!

Kyle's POV

Crossing his exposed arms across his sleeveless red shirt, Matt stared at Hailey, displeased. "Why the hell won't you come on the ride? It's not that bad."

The small brunette just huffed, "'cause I'm gonna fucking throw up all over the place. You would be included in my throw up zone."

Matt groaned in exasperation before unfolding his arms and throwing them around her, "just come on the ride, it'll be fine."

"Hailey, it is not that bad," I reassured, "you don't get motion sickness or any of that crap, it's just fright."

"Shut the fuck up" she scoffed pushing away from Matt, "I'm not going on it and that's final."

"Do you wanna just go on it?" Matt looked over at me, "we should use these before 6 anyways." He motioned to the yellow wrist bands that allowed us to get on any ride.

"Sure, I've been dying to go on it anyways. Besides, I would have to go on it by myself or with a stranger if you wouldn't go on it," throwing a hand through my dark black hair, I sighed. "Now it's just a matter of getting through the people to it."

Wading past the sea of people visiting the fair for an assortment of reasons we made our way to the oddly named 'kiddy' section. It was a strange name for it as it had the most intense rides, rides not meant for kids. "See? Not scary whatsoever, don't be such a wimp."

Hailey narrowed her eyes at Matt, "give me your hat, tomato."

Matt scowled at her, but obliged and handed her the cameo hat. "You better not lose it."

Ignoring him completely she turned to me, "want me to hold your shit?"

"All seven pounds of it," fishing into my pockets I pulled out my iPod, headphones, wallet, and 4 year old flip phone and placed it in the hat. "If my mom calls you can answer it."

Smiling broadly she made a phone out of her hand, "oh, hi mom, we're just smoking some weed!" she joked.

"Yeah, let's not say that" I chuckled, "I would never be able to see you again."

"What are you talking about? Christian moms love weed and other fun drugs." She added on, sticking to our side as we moved.

"The funny part is that I have never done drugs," I pointed out, "cause I'm a good boy."

Now approaching the front Hailey left our side and went to talk to some girl. We stayed in silence, as we waited. To be completely honest, Matt wasn't my favorite person, but he was dating Hailey so I had to play nice as much as it pained me. It was especially painful to third wheel on all these two seater rides.

"Hello, I'm sorry to intrude," turning around I spotted the owner of the voice. With a cocky smile stretched across his face, the blonde continued, "I was wondering if you, or your friend, I assume, could join me. I have been really looking forward to riding this ride, but you have to be with someone else as they don't do singles."

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