Part one

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"I have loved you since we were eighteen."

"Hey could I borrow your notes from human sexuality class?" Nathaniel asked as he took out his binder from his black backpack.

"Oh yeah sure." I handed him the notes we took just the other day in human sexuality. "Why weren't you here?" I ask the black haired boy sitting across the table from me. He looks up at me from his binder. He put this binder down and sighed.

"To be honest, Tessa and I got into a -" He pauses, waving his hand trying to figure out what word to use. "Confrontation." I hold back a laugh because of his choice of words.

"A confrontation, I see. Is everything alright?"

"I hope so. I - I like her but she does certain things that I don't like and it's getting out of control." He tugs at the roots of his hair like he always does when he gets frustrated. I sigh and nod.

"Anyway, how was Peter in religion?" He quickly changed the subject with a little smile. I take that as he doesn't want to talk about Tessa anymore. I smile and tell him about how silly peter was being and how he kept asking the professor useless questions that has nothing to do with the lesson. It was funny though because the professor answered him with no problem.

Attending college with my best friend Nathaniel is probably one of the best things ever because we get to see each other throughout the day. We've been best friends for about nine years now. We kept in contact even when I moved away then came back. Best friends since elementary school. We used to pass notes and play on the playground at break. Our teacher at the time sat us next to each other, we developed little school crushes on each other but that faded a bit once we grew up more. I still have some feeling for him but not as much as I once did because he has a girlfriend and I am talking to someone right now so everything is all neutral.

"So how are you and that one guy.. I forgot his name." His cheeks turn a red shade.

"Brandon?" I laugh at his embarrassment. "Um alright I guess. We haven't talked for a while now but yeah." I trail off. I study him as he examines my notes. His pencil is in between his lips, biting the side of it gently. His eyebrows pushed together trying to figure out the notes. He looks up at me with his hazel eyes and gives me a small smile.

"Well, Catherine." He begins to speak. "If he doesn't see the good in you then he is a straight up fool because there is not one cell of bad in you."

"I'm not sure about that. I could be heartless." I joke.

"I agree with you on that!" He smiles holding back his laugh. I gasp and playfully hit his arm. "I'm kidding! If I could deal with your attitude then so can he."

"You're the only exception though!" I put my head down on the table. I feel a hand on my head, it's nathaniel. "Nat, are you seriously petting me?"

"I'm comforting you!" He continues to do so. I can't help but laugh.

"You're so weird." I say under my tongue. He stopped petting and said he had to go back home to work on his English paper that was due the next day. He packs his things back into his backpack and asks to take my notes home and he will give them back to me tomorrow. When he left my phone went off, it was Brandon.

"Speak of the devil. Hello Brandon." I answer it with a side smile.

"So now I'm the devil, baby girl?" He jokes.

"Since when am I 'baby girl'" I smirk even though he can't see it.

"Since the day you made me like you." He speaks seductively. I can't help but blush and silently yell to myself.

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