Chapter 1

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Andy's POV

I paced the humongous living room area with thoughts swirling through my head like a tornado. My breathing became quicker and my vision goes blurry. Jinxx walked in and saw me having a panic attack.

"Andy! Andy, calm down. You're hyperventilating!" Jinxx led me to the couch to sit down and relax; and I slowly did.

"What's going on?" Jinxx asked in a calm voice. I took a deep breath.

"I... I think I'm ready to tell Juliet how I feel; about how I love her." Jinxx stared at me for what felt like hours.

"What? Isn't this supposed to be a good thing?" Jinxx stood up and stared out the giant window facing the small village below. I stood at the window as well.

"You're not gonna chicken out again are you?" Jinxx asked not even looking at me.

"No, not this time. Now I've got it all planed out. I just hope it goes as planned." Jinxx chuckled.

"Good luck." Jinxx said as he gave me a pat on the back and walked away. I walked up the winding stairs and down the long hallway to the second door on the left. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Juliet said behind the door.

"It's Andy." Juliet opened the door and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She was wearing a black lace dress with thin black leather leggings underneath, combat boots, smokey eye makeup, blood red lipstick, and black hair with blood red tips.

"Hello? Andy?" Juliet waved her hand in front of my face to get me back into reality.

"Oh sorry, um... can we talk?" I motioned to her desk to sit down. Juliet sat down on the black chair and gazed up into my eyes.

"What's up? Is everything OK?"

"Yeah, I just um... wanted to talk to you."

"Alright; what do you wanna talk about than?" I looked around the room frantically, worried I was gonna have another panic attack. I headed over to the window behind me and placed my hand on the back of my neck.

"Andy, what's wrong? Are you OK?" Juliet asked as she came to aid me.

"Juliet; I, I can't hide myself anymore." Andy said not looking at her.

"What?" I quickly spun around, grabbed her face, and kissed her. Juliet was a bit surprised but kissed back. I pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"I love you Juliet; I always have. And now I'm here asking you to be my soulmate. Will you be my soulmate?" I asked as I held her hand. Juliet was in awe and had a few tears escape from her eyes.

"Yes." Juliet answered. I could feel my face light up, I picked her up, spun her around, and kissed her some more.

"I am the luckiest man ever; to be with someone so beautiful." I said as I caressed her cheek with my thumb, making Juliet blush.

"I gotta go; gotta get food." I whispered. Juliet nodded and kissed me again. I ran downstairs and saw Chris Motionless sitting on the couch.

"I am so happy right now!" I said as he ran to Chris.

"Let me guess; you finally asked Juliet out?" Chris asked sarcastically.

"Yes! And she sai-"

"Yes." Chris said cutting me off.

"How did you know?"

"Last time I checked you never wear lipstick." I rubbed his lips and saw blood red lipstick on my finger. I grabbed a tissue off the table and wiped the lipstick off.

"Where's Jinxx?" I asked.

"In the basement with Sammi, playing violin."

"Well I'm gonna go out and get us some food."

"Good I'm starving." I walked to the door and headed to the village.

*I realize Jinxx and Sammi aren't together anymore but I wanted her to be part of the story.*

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