Chapter 22

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After Hannah had returned, she sat down and ate robotically, ignoring her aunt and uncles pitiful expressions. She knew they didn't want to hurt her and that they felt bad but it didn't make it any easier. Whilst knowing the story didn't change a thing, it still stung.

Cam squeezed her hand under the table and also continued eating as the silence enveloped the large house.

Hannah and Cameron had both given Sara her birthday presents and after a lot of grateful hugs and kisses on her part, they all went to sleep. The rest of the days passed slowly as they all enjoyed each other's company but didn't mention Jasmine or Chris. Although it was in the back of their minds, it wouldn't do well to talk about it and so, the topic was avoided.

It was nice to be together and although Hannah loved that she now lived alone with her loser of a cousin in London, she also missed having her aunt and uncle around.

Soon it was time for them to return home and after teaching Aunt Sara how to use snapchat and promising to call more often, they began the journey home. Cameron drove in silence, soft music filling the air between them. Whilst the story his parents had told wasn't as bad as it could have been, he knew it had hurt Hannah all the same. And although they didn't show how close they were very often, he couldn't imagine loving anymore more than her.

Or maybe he could.

His mind drifted off to the person in his thoughts as he felt the overwhelming guilt build inside his body. He hadn't told anyone yet. He felt terrible; hiding his secrecy behind an excuse that he wasn't ready. He didn't think he would ever be ready but he couldn't delay it forever.

Before they had gotten in the car, his father had pulled him to the side. "Look after her, yeah?" he had said, hugging his son. "And when you're up to tell us about whoever it is that you're in love with, let us know."

Cameron had laughed it off but now, the L word was all he could think of. He wasn't in love! He was Cameron Adem - he was a player, a man-whore, a slut, a complete idiot as Hannah always told him. Whilst he knew his cousin was always joking about it, he knew it was true. He wasn't in love.

Or was he?

"Hey, Hannah?" He spoke quietly, interrupting the silence and looking at the road ahead, too afraid to meet her eyes. "I'm sorry to drop this on you when you've had a terrible time anyway but I can't really hide it any longer."

When he didn't continue, Hannah spoke up. "Go on," she urged, thinking of all the possible things he might say. He wasn't in any trouble was he? Or ill? Had he done something really stupid?

Knowing her mind would be coming up with the worst case scenarios, he continued, his voice raspy with anxiousness. "I've been thinking of a decent way to tell you for so long but I've wimped out every time. Truth is that, well, I think, um-"

"You haven't gotten anyone pregnant, have you?!" Hannah groaned, interrupting his stammering. To her relief, he only laughed and shook his head, dark curls falling in front of his eyes.

"I think I might be in love."

Hannah almost choked on air, her mind not believing her ears. "What?" she squealed, her voice higher than normal in something between shock and excitement. "With who?"

Cameron bit his bottom lip so hard that he could taste the metallic tang of blood on his tongue.

"With Tyler."

Hannah wasn't sure she had heard properly, her mouth dropping open in realisation. She didn't know what to say, she tried to talk but no words tumbled out. Turning her face away from him, she looked out of the window, barely registering the motorway they were driving on and instead thinking of his confession.

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