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Bilbo Baggins sat in his arm chair, watching his young nephew Frodo play with two wooden ponies. Bilbo had carved them himself; modeling them after the horses of his old friend Gandalf.

He hadn't seen the wizard in many years. There were a lot of friends he hadn't seen in a while.

The Hobbit glanced to his window, where he branches of a strong, young tree scratched idly against the stained glass. He smiled fondly, thinking of the day he planted that tree. It was only a seed, then. A seed from a garden. That garden was finally beginning to fade from memory, the colors dulling into shades of grey and the edges chipping away like paint off a wall.

"Uncle Bilbo?" Frodo said from the carpet.

"Yes, Frodo?" Replied Bilbo.

"Will you tell me another story?"

Bilbo folded his hands in his lap and looked thoughtfully at his nephew. "Well, would you like to hear about Trolls or Dragons? Dwarves or Elves? I can tell you about a king I knew long ago, and his massive treasure hoard under a mountain stronghold. What would you like to hear, Frodo?"

The young Hobbit scratched his dark, curly hair. "Elves." He decided.

Bilbo took a deep breathing, trying to decide which story Frodo would like best. Rivendell, he decided. Lord Elrond in Rivendell.

"When I was young, I had an adventure. On that adventure, I made many friends and saw many things." Began the older Hobbit.

Frodo was staring at his uncle with intense blue eyes, soaking up every word of the story he was told.

"Early in our journey, we came to the great Elven city of Rivendell. Now, Rivendell is one of the most beautiful places in Middle Earth, and it's inhabitants are fantastic people." Bilbo nodded. "Lord Elrond watches over Rivendell, and he-"

Bilbo was cut off by a knock on the front door.

"I'll get it!" Squealed Frodo, before Bilbo could even move to stand.

He scurried to the front hall, his feet pitter-pattering on the floor. Bilbo heard the door creak open and Frodo cry out in excitement.

"Auntie!" He squealed.

"Hello, little one." came a voice from the past. "Where is your uncle?"

Bilbo stood and smiled. "I was beginning to wonder when you would visit again." He called, meeting a pair of pale blue eyes he used to know so well.

Ariel stood in the door frame, holding Frodo in her arms. "Hello, old friend. It's been too long."

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