Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

*Kili's POV*

"Good morning!" Dain cried, adressing Thranduil's army. "How are we all?"

My stomach was tight with the anticipation of battle. I cast a glance over at Ariel, who looked just as beautiful as ever. Upon closer inspection, I could see clear signs of distress.

Her jaw was clenched, a stark contrast from the easy smile I was so used to seeing spread across her lips. Her bruises stood out clear, which forced up a rage inside of me. I wish I would have defended her at the time, but my brain just.. quit on me. She stood up to Thorin, which was more than I could ever do.

Ariel's skin was pale. Her eyes were sunken and her hair was messy. Still, I would never take anyone else over her. I was going to marry this girl.

Carefully, I reached over and laced her fingers in mine. Ariel clutched them like a lifeline, as if I was the only thing keeping her upright. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and turned my attention back to Dain.

"I have a wee proposition, if you don't mind giving me a moment of your time." Dain said, his clear voice drifting up to us.

"Would ya consider.. just sodding off?! All of you! Right now!" He yelled.

I noticed that Bard's men seemed spooked, but the Elves stood their ground.

"Stand fast!" Bard commanded.

I scoffed, smiling to myself. It was then that I noticed the missing warmth my hand had grown accustomed to. I looked over at Ariel and found both of her arms crossed over her chest. Her fave was set in a cold mask, which, I have to admit, scared me a little. Ariel's eyes were lit with a sort of conflict I'd never seen before. I knew she didn't want this war, but I also knew the she would fight with us no matter what.

"Come now, Lord Dain." Gandalf called, stepping out in front of the army. Ever the Peace Keeper, Gandalf was.

"Gandalf the Grey." Dain laughed. "Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!"

Even from where we stood, I could hear men murmuring nervously.

"There is no need for war between Dwarves, Elves, and Men." Gandalf said. "A legion of Orcs march upon Erebor. Stand your army down."

"I will not stand down before any Elf!" Dain spat, earning a cheer from the Dwarves around me. "Not least this faithless Woodland sprite. He wishes nothing but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin.. I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then!"

I cheered too, this time. Even Ariel smiled a bit. She wouldn't deny that wanted Thranduil dead, considering what we'd gone through in his kingdom.

"He's clearly mad, like his cousin." Thranduil drawled, his tone even more irritating than usual.

I just rolled my eyes. "Mad enough to escape your dungeons, mate. Call yourself a royalty? We'll show you royalty." I muttered.

"You hear that, lads?" Dain was yelling. "We're on!"

He circled his hog around, shouting, "Let's give these bastards a good hammering!"

Someone yelled a command and the entirety of Ironfoot roared. The Elves took their positions, but I wasn't worried. You should never stand between a Dwarf and his kin.

*Ariel's POV*

Everything was a mess. Nothing had gone to plan, and I was feeling unusually sick. Part of me wished that this all was dream, and that I would wake up somewhere with the Thorin I used to know beside me.

I knew it was wrong to even entertain the thought. This was the real world. Ironfoot was here, battling Thranduil's army (which I wasn't totally broken up about, to be honest.) and the men from Lake-town. I didn't want any of them to die, no matter the chaos I might wish upon Elves.

My eyes had been trained on my feet as I tried to sort through everything in my mind.  From somewhere, there was a deep rumbling. Ironfoot was no where near the size it took to make that noise, and Elves moved like leaves in a breeze, as silent as the night itself.

I looked up and nearly screamed as a giant, disgusting creature broke through the side of a mountain. It was huge, it's roar deafening as two, no, three more erupted beside it. I'd heard of these creatures before. Were-worms.

I thought that maybe we'd just upset them with all the noise we were making, but that was not the case at all.  They slunk back int their holes, which I found very confusing- at least until the Orcs came pouring through.

A terrible, familiar voice rang our through the air.

"Come forth my Armies!" Azog cried as a war horn blew.

Legions upon legions of Orcs streamed out from the caverns left by the were-worms.

Dain reacted first. "The horses of hell are upon us!" He cried. "To battle, sons of Durin!"

His army followed faithfully, preparing to meet the Orcs head on. Of course, defense is a Dwarf's best offense. They stopped, linking shields with practiced perfection.

"I'm going over the wall. Who's coming with me?" Fili asked, shaking me from my trance.

"Me." I said instantly.

"And me." Kili said.

The company chimed in, yelling with the anticipation.

"Stand down." Thorin growled.

"What?" Ori said. "Are we to do nothing?!"

"I said, stand down!" Bellowed the King.

"Thorin!" I snapped. "You want to let them die for us?"

"You," He snarled. "You do as you're told, hear me?"

"What is happening?" I yelled. "Barely hours ago you were the old Thorin, the one who would never leave his kin to die without trying to save them! What is this place doing to you?!" I was nearly screaming now. Someone's hanf was on my shoulder, but I couldn't tell whose. Probably Kili.

Thorin turned around and glared and me. "Do. As. You. Are. Told."

I tore away from his gaze and ran back to the edge of the over look, just entire to see something that made my entire heart swell. The Dwarves had created their barricade and the Elves were using it to surprise the Orcs. They sprang over the wall of shields, landing in the Orc army and slaughtering those who attacked them with graceful ease.

The carnage was awful. I watch, horrified, as the Elves fell. They'd lost their element of surprise, which meant they had lost their advantage. Many were killed in the short amount of time it took for the Dwarves to pick up the fighting. They charged, spears, axes, and swords all ready.

It was truly a sight, the havoc Dwarves and Elves were able to wreak when they worked together. For a moment, it was wonderful. Then, I heard Azog's command.

"Attack the city," He told them.

The city? The city, what city? Erebor? The city.. oh- oh, my God.

Dale. Dale, where there were women, children, and wounded.

Attack Dale.

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