Chapter 9 The Awakening 3/3

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Sorry for the long wait. But here it is. Enjoy. ;)


Hunter Bradley cracked his knuckles, again and again. It had been nine long hours of anticipation. Nine long hours of worry. He thought he was going to die. Hunter took deep breaths, and he felt uncomfortable, as if something inside of him was very itchy. Hunter then clenched his fists, and tried to hold himself together.  He was about to break down. It was all his fault. He was a fool to think that confidence would help him in his relationship with Tori. And it was absolute ridiculous to chug down a bottle of beer so he could be drunk enough to kiss her. Tori didn’t even like him back, or probably didn’t, because of the way she reacted when Hunter kissed her. Then Tori was shot by a drunk man, and there was a knife planted on her shoulder.

Hunter was afraid of losing her. But was it so hurtful to lose something that never belonged to him? Hunter was afraid she wouldn’t make it. He was afraid that Tori would die. Tori never belonged to him, but the thing was, even if that was so, Hunter wanted to have her. So even if Tori and Hunter was never a love story, Hunter would miss what could have been, if Tori died. He couldn’t think that Tori would die. He had to be strong. He just had to keep telling himself that.


Hunter had fallen asleep in the hospital’s waiting room, where Tori were being given treatment. He was awaken by a nurse who had a very nervous look on her face.

“Sir. We have managed to remove the bullet from her leg, and the knife. However, the knife seemed to carry some poison. We don’t know the side effects of the poison. It’s not something we see every day. But we believe it’s safe enough for you to check on her. But she’ll have to stay here in the hospital for a few days, until we solve the origin of the poison, and cure it.”

Hunter nodded, as the nurse guided him to the room where he found Tori in, her wrist was attached to filter that allowed her to regenerate her breath. There was a bed where Tori rested, and not too far from the bed was a pot that held a plant, and a small window pane, just big enough for a regular human being can fit through. Tori turned her head to the door as Hunter walked in. The nurse had closed the door and left.

“Hunter,” She cried, as tears filled her eyes, and she began to moan, as her face twisted, and she closed her eyes trying very hard to absorb the agony that she was being attacked by. Tori screamed. Her bed was rattling as she couldn’t stop shaking. Hunter dashed towards the bed and squeezed Tori’s hand, as sweat poured down both their faces.

“TORI,” Hunter yelled, “TORI!”

Tori opened her eyes. The green lids of her eyes then burst into a purple hue. Then suddenly a group of doctors, who must have heard the scream, burst through the door as Tori then ripped the air filter away from her wrist, and she grabbed the filter and smashed it against the doctors. Tori then lifted the bed and hurled it at the doctors, but Hunter blasted the bed into dust with thunder.

“TORI!” Hunter screamed, as he dashed towards her to stop her. But then Tori pushed Hunter back with a water contaminated, with a purple hue, as Hunter hit the ground hard. Tori picked up the pot that held the plant and threw against the window. She then slashed the plant away, as Tori was at the verge of throwing herself outside the window. But just before she did, she turned and spoke in a gnarly voice that didn’t belong to Tori at all.

“Hunter Bradley, if you want to find me, come to New York, New York.” Tori finished as she slipped herself out the window.

“How did it go?” A young woman with a long straight brown hair, and chocolate brown eyes said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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