Chapter 3 The Legacy

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I'm sorry that my last chapter was short. Please enjoy this one. ;)


Falconer had survived a blast that would've killed anyone. You could feel it with the weight of the energy spreading a sensation of fear, as it ripped vigorously through the air.

Falconer then hurdled himself towards Egathator as he drew his sword. Egathator moved with great agility as he dodged Jayden Falconer's slashes as nimble as an annoying monkey who you want to hit, but you can't because of the dexterity in the monkey. Egathator then sent crimson lasers filled with a tension of power towards Jayden Falconer. Then Jayden was sent backwards, as he lost his balance and strength, and began sprawling on the hard cement ground, which was shattered in many pieces. Sweat and pressure held Jayden in panic as Egathator sent the final rays of lasers to finish him.

"FIRE SMASHER!" A voice cried, as a gargantuan red and orange sword blocked the lasers. However, the sword then exploded as it diminished in size into the regular Samurai sword of a metal blade. In addition, the sword had gigantic black blisters.

The rangers still unable to get up, glanced at the direction of the voice, and found their leader, Jayden Shiba, barely holding himself up.

Egathator then dashed towards Shiba, and feinted with a body motion, and tripped Shiba on the ground. Egathator then kicked him in the speed of lightening, and again, and again. Until Shiba's morph could no longer be held.

Jayden Shiba, then was in a hundred times the pain he was in before, as Egathator then took the fight to the ground and easily wresteld Jayden Shiba out of his jacket, and ripped the top half of his red shirt, and his cast. Jayden howled in pain, as his chest opened with a red liquid that would not stop pouring from his body.

"JAYDEN!" Mia cried, as the others cringed at the scene.


Truman knew it was over now. They had caught him. As the atmosphere became much heavier, and Truman found it harder to breath, as his heart pounded faster than a racecar. It was actually ironically different from that it seemed as if he was about to crash into a racecar.

"We know it's you Truman! Hands where I can see them." A voice shouted from behind.

Truman then instincively drew out a katana and burst through the door of the house, and sprinted inside the mansion.

The hooded figures followed Truman but once they entered the door, they burned in flames.

Truman looked back, and then looked forward, and saw a man holding fire in his hands. His face was hidden by the shadows, but he seemed to be taller than him, based on what the thin fire in his hands, that revealed the man's shadow.

"W-ww-ho are you?" Truman stammered.

"I don't know." The man replied.


Tommy Oliver heard on the radio that a government association had discovered the identites of a group of Power Rangers. The Power Rangers Samurai, that's what he heard.

He opened his laptop as he enjoyed his morning coffee in the CyberCafe. It had been a year since Mesogog was defeated. Things were a lot quiet now, until he got the e-mail.

It was from Andros, the Space Ranger who had been involved in the Countdown, 12 years ago.

Help. The Razetow's coming.

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