Chapter 1 Egathator Returns

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 The main character of this trilogy is OC, but the other rangers will also play a major role.  This is the story of the whole legacy of the rangers. It just starts in the Super Samurai Series, to introduce the plot. This takes place in an alternate dimension, if the OC had come to the series, then this would have been the series of events. Also the story starts after the episode 'The Master Returns. It's everything after it and what would have happened if this OC came to the series. The fanfic parings will be:

OC x Mia, Jayden x Mia, Mike x Emily, Conner x Kira, Hunter x Tori, Kim x Tommy


Meanwhile in the Sanzu River:

"Oo-a-oo!" Cried Octeroo," With the master down, Serrator will be freely able to execute his plan!"

"No need to worry, my tentacle faced friend," said a voice, then Octeroo heard a splash in the Sanzu River.

"What do you want, and how dare you address my tentacles in that manner!" He demanded.

"Don't you remeber me," the voice continued, as a grey figure rose out of the river and on to the Master's ship, Octeroo's tentacles dropped, as he recognized the nighlok. He had the body form of a human in a gray morph suit, which was actually a part of his skin. He had huge red eyes that seemed to examine Octeroo's every move. His hands were resembling a frog's, and the way he stared at you, made you wish that you could hide under a cover, hugging a teddy bear.

"OO-A-OO! IT'S YOU!!" Octeroo screamed, " OO-A-OO! OO-A-OO! WHAT THE HELL DO I DO?"

"I see you remeber me, from centuries ago. I was the one who brought the glory to Xandred's army. I was his second in command. If you recall it's Egathator, my puny octopus friend."

"OO-A-OO! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?"Octeroo shrieked frantically, as panic rose inside his nighlok body.

"Nothing. I merely want revenge on all of them. The red, the pink, the yellow, the green, the blue, and all those color coded freaks! I will be back, my octopus friend. Oh I forgot to mention the black... Oh the black... Anyways I'll be back."

                                                *                            *                                      *

Mentor Ji was caught a bit off guard that Jayden had been injured, but he wasn't surprised at all. He expected something like this from the king of nighloks.

Jayden couldn't breath. Master Xandred was more powerful than he imagined, he was truly the Master of Nighloks. His blue jeans wore torn with holes that pressed against his legs as the pain underneath shaked his legs. His red jacket was ripped on one side, as it revealed his bare shoulder that was covered with a scrape that contained the debris of an infection disguised with a crimson hue of blood. But that's not why he couldn't breath. He couldn't breath because he was afraid. He was scared of Xandred rising again and destroyed everything he held dear, like his team, the Shiba house, his mentor, and Mia...

He knew Xandred could do this. Only the sealing symbol could stop him. Jayden knew that there would come a day when it would all be decided and revealed. His secret, the battle between humans and nighloks, and his feelings for the pink Samurai. Jayden knew the rangers had the capability to win, but knew that Xandred also had the capability to win. Now that he tasted a dose of what true power is from the king of nighloks. Anything was possible, things unimaginable, he couldn't bear to think about the consequences if Xandred was victorious at the end.


The gap sensor went off, just before the rest of the team could get settled in the front yard, as Ji dashed to the front door, carrying Jayden's black box.

"Not again! Xandred was already a lot of trouble!" Mike moaned.

"Who could it be this time?" Kevin questioned frantically.

"Never mind that, each moment you waste, the more damage the nighlok causes! Kevin hurry! Take this and lead the others!" Ji cried, as he tossed the black box to Kevin.


Egathator began tearing apart the city with red energized lasers that was blasted with sizzling force around the city. He didn't care how many civilians perished, how many objects were ruined, he just had to have his revenge on the Black Samurai. Egathator would find the Black Samurai, or his ancestor at least, and make sure that they would be destroyed.

"Stop right there!" Emily yelled.

"Foolish little girl. Do you really think that I would stop what I'm doing because a girl in a tight yellow spandex so threateningly demanded me to?" Egathator asked rhetorically.

"Who are you?" Mia questioned, as the rest of the team joined them.

"The name's Egathator. Now if you lovely people would so willingly tell me where the black samurai is then I would be so grateful."

"Uh black as in the colour black, or Tyrone?" Mike asked.

"Mike just stop. We're supposed to be Samurai, not racists!" Kevin stated.

"Just wondering. And how is this racist?" Mike questioned Kevin.

Suddenly, a red sizzling energized laser blasted the Samurai rangers as they were knocked back, and hit the hard gray pavement of the city square.

"Super Samurai Mode!" Kevin yelped, "Super Hydro Bow!"

Then a blue bow appeared in Kevin's hand, as magical blue arrows loaded themselves on the bow. In addition, a white vest veiled Kevin. Kevin then rapidly shot his bow at Egathator.

However, they deflected off Egathator's gray body and hit Kevin as he went sprawling on the ground, struggling to get up.

"Barricuda blade!" Antonio cried as he charged at Egathator. However, Egathator's hands that resembled a frog's, grabbed Antonio's katanas. Then Antonio seemed to lose energy, the longer Egathator grabbed the blade. Antonio started panting, but was blown back, as a gray leg shot itself at Antonio.

Then his eyes glowed with a hue of red, darker than crimson, as destructive lasers pounced themselves at the likes of Emily, Mia, and Mike, as they flew like a comet and was stopped with a THUD! As they found themselves passed out, and unable to get up.

Egathator would kill them all, if it meant drawing out the Black Samurai....


Mentor Ji recalled the last battle with Master Xandred. Xandred had almost triumphed, a temporary sealing symbol, and the ranger's secret weapon had saved the world. Their secret weapon, also known as the Black Samurai Ranger.

Centuries ago in Japan, six Samurais discovered the 'Power Symbols' which they used to fight nighlok warriors from the Netherworld. However, one symbol was more powerful than the rest. It could only be controlled by a true Samurai. If not used properly this symbol could cause devestating results to the world. Therefore, the six of them all mutually agreed that the 'Darkness' which was the most powerful symbol, would reside away from the rest of the rangers. The five that remained, the 'Fire, 'Sky, 'Forest, 'Earth, and 'Water would continue the fight against nighloks, while the 'Darkness would train to gain control over the symbol. If one failed, the responsibility of mastering the powers of the 'Darkness morpher, it would passed down through generations


Jayden Falconer watched as Egathator wrecked the rangers. He was the son of the previous Black Samurai. Jayden then caught a glimpse of the Pink Samurai, struggling. She staggered as Egathator sent her back on the ground, making it harder for her to get up the second time around. Then Jayden looked at Egathator. He felt the phone like object in his pockets grew heavier. He had never used the 'Darkness morpher before. He knew the consequences of using it. Jayden was never afraid to use it, he just couldn't find the right time. He knew his thirteen years of training would pay off, one day. And this could be the day, Jayden thought, as he drew his Samuraizer out of his pocket and wrote the Japanese symbol for Darkness. He was crazy, Jayden had been crazy for a long time. Even before his father's death. When he was first involved in all this Samurai mess. He whispered, "Go, go Samurai." As he prepared to die...

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