Chapter Twenty-Two

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I arrived at Theo's and the party was in full swing. As soon as I walked in I was handed a microphone. Theo wasted no time. I stood up on a table and watched as all eyes turned to me. 

"Hey guys! You having a good party?" I said. The room around me shouted. "Great, I'm Sophia and I'll be performing for you tonight."

The cheer was loud as music came through the speakers. I sang along to song after song until eleven when I left. Damon was waiting at home for me and I gave him a hug as I passed him. He followed behind me with the dogs as I went out back and walked through the backyard to the soft sand that waited just beyond my fence. He closed the gate behind us and the dogs were locked in the yard. I could tell something was wrong but I was scared of what it might be.

"Our lives are good now aren't they?" I whispered. His arms wrapped around my waist.

"Sophia?" he whispered. "Alexander is dead. The prison called to tell you. He killed himself." 

I turned to face him and tears leaked out of my eyes. I sank to the sand and began to cry. I could feel Damon's arms still around me as he sat and held me while I cried for my dead brother. Sure he wasn't the greatest but he saved me from my father. 

"Is it stupid to cry over him?" I whispered. 

"Never. He was family. Cry as much as you want."

That's what I did. I mourned the loss of Alexander. I didn't ask how or why he died I just mourned my loss. 

Nine months later I was holding my niece Andi. She was two months old and adorable. Carla gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. The birth of one family member cheered me up from the death of another. I sat in Carla's living room with the girl and played with her. Carla and Craig had taken off for the weekend to reward themselves. t was a gorgeous summer. 

"Hey Andi girl. What should we do today?" I cooed to the baby. 

"How about you go try on your wedding dress?" Rachel said from the doorway. Over her shoulder was a large white bag. I took it from her while handing Andi off to Blaire. 

In less than a week I would be married to Damon. It was an exciting time for me. I couldn't wait. He was the one man I was sure I would love for the rest of my life. His smile lit up my day and he put up with having ten dogs which made him absolutely amazing. 

I scrambled up to my sister's room and slipped on the dress. It was absolutely gorgeous. Blaire and Rachel came in and their jaws hit the ground. 

"You are so gorgeous!" Rachel squealed. I laughed happily. 

"So do the dresses for the bridesmaids all fit?" I asked. They nodded. I slung my arm around Blaire's neck. "How 'bout yours my maid of honor?"

"More like maid of horror. I swear you have a week left and you still haven't picked flowers."

"White roses. There. Done," I replied cheekily. 

"Finally!" she exclaimed. Andi gurgled in her arms. 

"I'm going to get changed back then we're going to my house to see the dogs and for Damon's birthday party."

It was July twentieth already and he was turning twenty. It was hard to believe we got together senior year and two years and a bit later we were getting married in a week. Time had passed so quickly.

We were planning a surprise party tonight. He would walk in and be showered with presents. It would be a good birthday.

I was sitting on the couch wearing a light blue belted shirt dress. Everyone else was hiding around the room. The kids were all hiding in the kitchen. The front door open and the lights turned on. Everyone jumped up and yelled surprise as Damon walked in with Charlie.

"Happy birthday love," I said as I walked forward to hug him. "Sit down and we'll get your presents together."

Everybody grabbed their presents and stood in a circle around the couch. I was going last as I wanted to see the look on his face and have people take pictures of it. His siblings gave them their gifts and his mother and mine. All our friends and then it was my turn.

I handed him a small rectangle wrapped in silver with a black bow. He opened it and I began laughing at the ook on his face. He looked at me with his mouth open and eyes wide.

"Really?" he whispered. His eyes were searching mine. I stopped laughing and nodded. He held up the plastic baggy that held the pregnancy test. "I'm going to be a dad?"

"Yes really."

"I'm going to be a dad!" he yelled as he swooped me up into a hug. There was cheering and congratulations offered all over the room. I laughed as he held me tighter. 

"Happy birthday daddy," I whispered. The dogs began barking at all the excitement. I looked around and realized I had one of the craziest families imaginable and I couldn't be happier. I loved my life and I couldn't wait to marry this man. 

The party continued for hours and everyone ended sprawled somewhere in the house. In the morning we all ate and then went down to the beach where I spent the majority of my time the next week. 

Tomorrow was Saturday. Tomorrow was my wedding. Tomorrow was the beginning of a new life. 


A/N: Sorry it's been so long! I had a really tough time coming up with ideas but it's up now. Anyways vote and comment please!

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