Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Carla you idiot!" I yelled as my sister locked the door.She climbed into the front seat. I kicked her seat before getting up and looking around.

"What happened to the seats?" I asked.

"Painted them orange. They are still drying. I needed a lot of fabric paint."

"Great. Now why did you kidnap me?" I asked. The only seat left in the van was the one she was sitting in and the one her best friend, Anna, was sitting in.

"We're going dress shopping for my wedding!" she squealed. I winced.

My sister was getting married to a guy named Craig Jeffery. He was a nice enough guy. He treated my sister with respect and wasn't involved with any gangs.

"I don't think I should have to wear a dress you choose," I replied.

"That's why you are coming. My only requirement is that the dress is grey. Other than that you can choose."

That's what I liked about my sister. No matter how self absorbed she is, she still makes sure that everyone can have their own choices too.


"Anna you have to wear yellow. Sleeves too," my sister stated. She didn't like Anna much even though they are 'best friends.'

I looked up and saw Carla watching me in the mirror. She winked at me as Anna started to complain. It was really funny that Carla was going to purposely make her friend look bad. I didn't blame her though. Anna was a very self-centered person and it annoyed Carla to no end. 

After what seemed like a day but was really only four hours my sister had a beautiful mermaid style dress with lace all over it. My dress was a light grey strapless dress. There was a flower on one side. It gave off a beach feel. They were having their wedding at a beach in two months anyways.

Anna's dress was pale yellow with short sleeves and ruffles down the side. It was a funny sight. She looked like a giant stick of butter with a doll crammed inside it. I hid my face as I started to sicker. Carla was struggling to keep a straight face.

"Soph you are my maid of honor. You also need to find a date."

This started a new round of complaints from Anna who believed she should be the maid of honor. Carla stood with her arms crossed and just glared at Anna as they argued back and forth. In my head I was singing some random song. I was grateful when we finally got to go home. 

That night I crawled into bed with a good book and a cup of tea. My pillows supported my back as I settled in and began to read. It was about an hour later when there was a tap on my window. When I opened it I was hit with the cause of the tapping. A rock. I swore as I rubbed my head.

"You weren't supposed to hit her you idiot," someone hissed down below. The yard was dark and I couldn't see who it was. I heard the people bickering and walked downstairs to go out back.

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